Factors affecting participation in certain sports

Your peers are the people you mix with who have similar interests and backgrounds and are roughly your age. Your peer group has a big influence on the way you behave and the things that you do. This is not always expressed words. If you wear the “wrong” clothes or do the “wrong” things you can very quickly feel left out. If you peers approve of an activity, you will feel encouraged to do it. Sadly, peer-group pressure can also force people to give up sports even though they enjoy them. Family

Your family can have a similar effect on you as your friends can. We pick up many of our habits and values from home. If your family enjoys sport and gives you the opportunities to participate, then it is likely that you will. Most young people depend upon parents and family for kit and help with travel to sports events. The opposite is again true. If your Family has a negative attitude to physical activity it is likely you will to. Gender There is a mistaken believe held by some people that sports is a man’s world.

There certainly seem to be few barriers put up to prevent men from participating in physical activity. Far more men Participate in physical activity than women. Race People from minority ethic groups can be discriminated against when it comes to physical activity. Many people have the mistaken belief that they are physiologically different because they are a different colour, and this means they will be good at some activities and not others. For example some people believe that all black people are fast runners and they can not swim very well.

This belief could be the reason why we see so many black runners and so very little black swimmers. Socio-Economic The activity you participate in may be determined to a large extent by what you can afford. Activities like sailing, golf and riding can be very expensive so many people from lower socio-economic groups are excluded from them. There are also many activities that cost very little. A kick around in the park with a group of friends, for example, and sport at school are mostly free. Unemployed people are in a difficult.

Some people have very different views on training and the factors that affect them to participate in sport. They have very different attitudes to training. I’m doing climate affecting participation. Some people may want to go out in the rain …

I’am the local chairperson of ‘porto’ Sports Association, I’am going to provide the local Sports council with information on the sports sector. The Cardiff central youth club is affiliated with Waga.It is run by professional and voluntary coaches. It started …

Poverty is when people haven’t got enough money to live their lives properly. It is the lack of basic resources needed to enjoy a full life. It affects participation in sports, because they just about have enough money to buy …

In my opinion I think that every types of person is likely to use sports centres because everyone is likely to want to keep fit and healthy in one way or another and these days sports centres offer such a …

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