Fact Sheet

Weight-ing| Category| Beginning| Developing| Accomplished| Exemplary| Score | 5| Definition of selected condition | Condition not described and/or poorly defined. 0 | Condition described,limited definition. 1 2| Condition clearly described and defined. 3 4| Comprehensive and well- constructed definition. 5| | 5| Incidence, national/ international| Little or no description of national or international statistics. No supporting literature included. 0 | Limited description of national or international statistics. Limited support from literature.

1 2| Well-developed description of national or international statistics. Supported by relevant literature. 3 4| In-depth description of national and international statistics. Identified differences discussed. Strong support from relevant literature sources. 5| | 5| Aetiology including risk factors| Little or no description of aetiology. Little or no discussion of risk factors. No supporting literature included. 0| Limited description of aetiology. Limited discussion of risk factors. Limited support from literature. 1 2| Well-developed description of aetiology.

Well -developed discussion of risk factors. Supported by relevant literature 3 4| Description of aetiology and risk factors is thorough and concise. Strong support from relevant literature sources. 5| | 5| Pathophysiology| Little or no description of pathophysiologyNo supporting literature included. 0 | Limited description of pathophysiology Limited support from literature. 12| Well-developed description of pathophysiology. Supported by relevant literature. 34| Clear and coherent description of pathophysiology. Strong support from relevant literature search.

5| | 10| Illness Trajectory| Little or no description of illness trajectory. No supporting literature included. 02| Limited description of illness trajectory. Limited support from literature. 35| Well – developed description of illness trajectory. Supported by relevant literature. 68| Clear and coherent description of illness trajectory. Strong support from relevant literature. 910| | 10| Signs and symptoms| Little or no description of signs and symptoms. Little or no linkage to pathophysiology discussion. No supporting literature included. 02| Limited description on signs and symptoms.

Limited linkage to pathophysiology discussionLimited support from literature. 35| Well-developed description on signs and symptoms. Well-developed linkage to pathophysiology discussion. Some description of symptoms of exacerbation or condition progress provided. Supported by relevant literature. 68| Description of signs and symptoms is thorough and concise and linked to pathophysiology discussion. Description of exacerbations or condition progress is clear and also linked to pathophysiology discussionStrong support from relevant literature.

910| | 5| Two commonly used medications & role in treatment| Little or no description of two current medications associated with the selected condition. No supporting literature 0 | Limited description of two current medications and their role in the management of the selected condition. Limited support from literature 1 2| Well- developed description of two current medications and their role in the management of the selected conditionSupported by recognised literature 3 4| Description of two current medications and their role in the management of the selected condition is clear and coherent.

Strong support from relevant literature 5| | 10| Nursing Management * Symptom Management| Little or no discussion of nursing symptom management No support from literature02| Limited linking of nursing symptom management to signs and symptoms discussion Limited support from relevant nursing literature 35| Well- developed synthesis of nursing symptom management to signs and symptoms discussion. Supported by a range of relevant nursing literature68| Concise and comprehensive synthesis of symptom management to signs and symptoms discussion.

Strong support from relevant nursing literature 910| | 10| * Education| Little or no description of nursing role in managing condition. No supporting literature. 02| Limited description of nursing role in managing condition. Limited support from the literature. 35| Well-developed description of nursing role in managing condition. Supported by relevant literature. 68| Description about nursing education in relation to the selected condition is concise and coherent. Strong support from relevant literature910| | 10| * Advocacy| Little or no discussion of advocacy role for nursing related to the selected condition.

No supporting literature. 0 2| Limited discussion of the advocacy role for nursing related to the selected condition. Limited support from relevant literature. 35| Well-developed discussion of the advocacy role for nurse related to the selected condition Supported by a range of relevant literature. 68| Discussion regarding nursing advocacy in relation to the specified condition is clear and coherent.. Strong support from relevant literature. 910| | 10| Psycho-social impact on person & family| Little or no discussion of psycho-social impact on patient.

Little or no description of psycho-social impact on family/whanau. No supporting literature. 0 2 | Limited discussion of psycho-social impact on patient. Limited description of psych-social impact on family/whanau. Limited support from the literature3 5 . | Well-developed description of psycho-social impact on patient. Well- developed description of psycho-social impact on family/whanau. Supported by a range of literature. 6 8 | In-depth description of psycho-social impact on patient. In-depth description of psycho-social impact on family/whanau. Strong support from a wide range of relevant literature.

9 10| | 5| MDT management other than nursing| Little or no discussion of the relevant MDT management.. No supporting literature. 0| Limited discussion on the relevant MDT management. Limited support from literature. 12| Well- developed discussion on the relevant MDT management. Supported by relevant literature. 3 4| Discussion of the usual MDT involvement is relevant and appropriate. Strong support from relevant literature. 5| | 5| Community resources available| Little or no relevant local community resources identified. 0| Limited range of relevant local community resources identified. 12| Broad range of relevant local community resources identified. 34|.

Range of community resources identified demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of local community and on-line resources. 5| | 5| Presentation and Referencing | Grammatical and spelling errors detract from content. Extensive errors in referencing technique. 0| Consistent grammatical and spelling errors evident. Several or consistent errors in referencing technique. 12| Minor errors in grammar and spelling. Few flaws in referencing technique 3 4| Flawless grammar and spelling. Referencing fully complies with APA requirements. 5| | BN704Fact Sheets subtotal | |.

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