Exercise and skill

Summary of results The sessions were very good and I improved on every exercise and skill from the first session and from the last session. The exercises were all planned out in the right order I think because I didn’t suffer from any fatigue or tiredness throughout the circuit and my recovery time improved a bit from when I first started. Evaluation Before the test I took a bleep test, I got 11. 2 and I was determined to beat that after the 5 sessions that I planned to get me fitter.

The programme was maybe a little too low for me I think that I could of pushed myself a lot more throughout the training sessions. I think the exercises were in the right order because as I said in the summary of results I didn’t suffer from any fatigue or tiredness so they were in the best order I could of put them. I applied the principles of progression and overload by setting myself targets for each exercise in my head, which progressed each time but made me push my body to reach them. I think I could have used them a lot more effectively by using weights etc to help make it harder to do some exercises.

I think the exercises were the right ones to choose because every exercise fit into the categories that I wanted to improve and the skills exercises all helped to improve my football skills. The programme was very easy to manage; it was easy to set up because I didn’t require a lot of equipment to do the circuit. It was easy to do because all the exercises I knew how to do and were easy to perform. To record my progress I wrote down the reps and sets I completed during an exercise so that was relatively easy to do.

I enjoyed doing the circuit a lot but I don’t think I worked to the maximum I could of worked because I don’t think I was pushing my body enough to really gain everything I could out of most of the exercises. Throughout the sessions I didn’t have to change around any of the exercises because I didn’t get fatigued or tired so there was no need to. In the sessions I found that I could feel myself getting fitter because some exercises were easier to perform in further sessions than they were in previous ones.

The results that I achieved were quite low compared to what I expected I think it was partly to do that I didn’t try quite as hard as I could of but I know I can do better for future circuits. From the start of the program until now I think I have defiantly got fitter to a certain degree, my strength and endurance has improved a little and so have my skills in football. If I continued doing this circuit I would try much harder in improving previous results in exercises and I would use the principle of overload more effectively.

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