Evaluation of the Nursing Theory’s Pragmatic Adequacy.

Management practice innovations are done almost in every organization at a tremendous rate. But the big question in the nursing profession is what the difference between theory and practice is? People generate a theory through the traditional practice i. e. consistence in practice leads to a theory and a theory guides practice. These two phenomenal terminologies are dependent on each other more so in the nursing profession. However, since the aim or the objective of a theory is to explain, control and predict their ability to control fact of interest is a way of accessing a theory.

Therefore, a theory may allow and depict accurately but the theory cannot allow scientist or investigators to control the phenomenon of interest. Social work and nursing professions have used existing theories in the prediction of certain outcomes or processes to control events so that the wanted outcomes are attained. In biological sciences, many theories have enabled investigators or scientist to control events such that desired outcomes are achieved.

The importance of a theory, that is, pragmatic adequacy for changing conditions is of major importance to the nursing professions and even the health sector fraternity as a whole. This has been witnessed as healthy sector scientists have used this theory to control disease outbreaks. Generally, science has produced knowledge for predicting and controlling phenomena. Ethically this knowledge is questionable and further detailed investigations are going on. In future seems theories will or may controlled by rules and guidelines which will be used to aid in the development into more theories.

Therefore, the selection of problem areas and the development and use of ideas involve arbitrary choices. In the nursing profession new theories will emerge but they will need to be controlled due to the nature of the profession which requires much psychological approach. Summary. Quality measure by patients is the general response of patients after treatment. Health care-patient relationship depends on the way nurses interact with then. This one is in itself therapeutic. The first approach of a health care worker towards a patient is very vital in many ways.

One, the patient may be very free to give information in relation to his or her illness and the medical history of the patient will be clear hence the prescription of drugs may become easier and a better outcome. Two, there will be a good relationship between the patient and the health care provider. Through these two positive outcomes the services by the health care will be applauded hence attracting the attention of sponsors who can contribute towards improving the health care center facilities.

The rate of return of patients is another indicator of better or quality health care services. Patients may come back for further health education or they may come back to report any improvements or complications which is once again a good sign of patient-health worker relationship.


  • Fawcett, J. (2005). Contemporary Nursing Knowledge. Analysis and Evaluation of Nursing Models and Theories (2nd Ed. ). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.

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