Evaluation of Nursing Care

It is the prime role of health care professionals to provide adequate health services to their patients. Nursing care requires them to handle patients form different ages and health backgrounds. Medical nurses should consider the particular needs of their patients. Different age groups need special medical treatment. Children and elderly patient sometimes are neglected and not been given enough medical attention. Providing immediate medical attention to the patients is very important to ensure the health safety and chances for survival. There are times when medical nurse or a care giver should learn to handle complex situations.

Sometime there is a need to deal with multiple or complicated health issues. Providing the necessary nursing care means being patient and responsive to the specific medical needs of the patient. To identify their needs one must understand the medical history of the patient after making an accurate diagnosis. Patient management is an important aspect of medical services. The nurse should have complete knowledge of the health condition, treatment and medication the patients need. Nursing care covers a wide scope of concern which has to be carefully assessed and efficiently provided.

The different issues regarding the patient should be properly addressed and monitor. There should be cooperation between the doctor and the medical staff to give appropriate medical assistance to a patient in need. In evaluating nursing care one must consider the factors like the need for monitoring devices, oxygenation and ventilation, nutritional need of the patient, elimination processes and problems like renal failure, colostomy etc. , environmental impact or hospital acquired infection, environmental management and also special care for dying patient.

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