
Menopause Physiology

Menopause is a period within which a woman loses her menstrual periods, which is established when a woman goes through 12 months without having menses. A variety of signs are experienced in menopause due to hormonal variations in the body. …

    Brain and spinal cord

    Meningitis is the swelling of the thin tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord, called meninges. Anybody is at risk of getting meningitis, but usually common with people whose immune systems have difficulties in fighting infections. Meningitis is contagious and …

      Symptoms of meningitis

      The symptoms of meningitis develop over some time and depend on the age of the person and the cause responsible for the infection. Some symptoms such as common flu are similar for both bacterial and viral meningitis earlier in their …

        Prevent meningitis

        Although little can be done to prevent meningitis, its symptoms should be recognized and immediate medical attention sought to assist in reducing its devastating health hazards. The following measures however, can be employed to control the spread of the illness. …

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          Radio Active Isotopes

          Medical isotopes are used in medicine in three distinct ways: 1. Radioactive isotopes can be injected into a patient, and their emitted energy can then be captured on film. The resulting image is an important diagnostic tool. 2. Gamma rays …

            The Many Sides of Cosmetic Surgery

            What is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is a process of one or more surgical procedures that are used to restore or enhance the appearance of different parts of the body. Cosmetic Surgery is a specialty field that is growing in …

              Teenage Girls and Plastic Surgery

              Teenage Plastic Surgery Should teenage girls under the age of eighteen be allowed to undergo plastic surgery? According to recent statistics, rhinoplasty was performed on nearly 35,000 patients between the ages of thirteen and nineteen in 2009. The procedure accounted …

                The Pros and Cons to Gastric Bypass Surgery

                CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author. I have cited all sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for …

                  History of Cosmetic Surgery

                  Plastic surgery is a medical specialty dealing with on the correction or restoring of external damage to the body. The word plastic comes from the Greek plastikos meaning to mold or to shape (Answers, 2010). Cosmetic surgery involves techniques to …

                    Plastic Surgery Boom

                    Lookism is a thought that the most important value is appearance and people’s value are judged only by how they look. In Korean society, physical appearance became far more important than a person’s inner beauty or ability. In this society, …


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