
Mental Health Care

Before any assessment can be done regarding the more effective methods for addressing mental health, the present status of mental health should first be understood. A 2008 study on California’s public mental health care services system focusing on a sample …

    Accessibility of mental health care

    It has been shown that the need for mental health care does not significantly vary across the United States. Thirteen states were assessed in a study by Sturm et al. (2003) which aimed to compare mental health need and mental …

      Mental health care

      Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction of mental health care workers are important issues that need to be tackled when considering the effectiveness of mental health care facilities. Acker (2004) showed that mental health social workers were more likely to continue …

        Factors that Contribute to Mental Retardation and Ways to Treat it

        Mental retardation is a developmental disability that is manifested by lower-than-normal intelligence and significant limitation in adaptive functioning in two or more skill areas. This disability is normally present at birth or develops early in life. According to experts, by …

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          Mental Illness

          People are generally too quick to label anyone who thinks or behaves in a deviant way as mentally ill. This unjust and unreasonable labeling is simply based on the fact that such deviant individuals follow different moral or social standards …

            Barriers in the Access of Mental Health Treatment

            An excellent health condition is one of the things that everyone wants to have. That is why at the first sign of abnormality or any difference, people seek help from healthcares to address their condition. However, the rising number of …

              Language Barrier of Mental Health Treatment

              There was an assumption on the role of limited English proficiency in racial and ethnic mental health inequalities. Surprisingly, there were only a few empirical researches that were done regarding the relationship between language barriers and mental health inquiries. Language …

                Mental Health Services Cost

                This is another important factor that determines why people are less likely to seek mental health treatment. The high costs of treatment, coupled with lack of insurance, exacerbate the emotional burden that mental health patients bear. According to a report, …

                  The Mental Health of Ethnic Minority Groups

                  The research paper “The Mental Health of Ethnic Minority Groups: Challenges Posted by the Supplement to surgeon’s General Report on Mental Health” discusses the problems that ethnic minority groups with mental problems face. Stanley Sue and June Chu, the authors …

                    Eating Disorders

                    During the renaissance times, women embodied the ideals of both beauty and harmony. When the great Florentine painter, Sandro Boticelli, painted the goddess of love, Venus, as a woman with a body curved to perfection, he portrayed voluptuousness as the …


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