
Common misconceptions

“One of the main reasons that the prohibition was unsuccessful was that the advent of the Great Depression (1929-1939) caused a change in American opinion on Prohibition. Economic issues crippled the country, and it just didn’t make sense to those …

    Causes of Alzheimers Disease

    Alzheimer’s disease, or simply known as Alzheimer’s, is kind of disease that affects the brain. Alzheimer’s is a type progressive disease, which means that the disease will gradually worsen over time. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, which …

      Issues of the 60s impacted your personal life?

      I was born in 1960 and although I was young and did not understand a lot of what was going on during those days I gained knowledge and understanding of the times through my parents and basically took on their …

        Existing proteins

        Our practical was about examining the reaction of an enzyme in a particular type of food, in which the enzyme break down food and digest the existing proteins inside the materials (food). And to investigate the rate of the enzyme’s …

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          Protein and starch in the food products

          This was planned by discussing the actual food products we commonly take in a day. There are few diary products that are commonly known to contain a lot of protein, necessary carbohydrates for each meal (bread, pasta and cereal) as …

            Proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals

            This was planned by discussing the actual food products we commonly take in a day. There are few diary products that are commonly known to contain a lot of protein, necessary carbohydrates for each meal (bread, pasta and cereal) as …

              Dark blue + orange precipitate

              For this test, there were very many products that showed positive outcome. All the products except for bread, cheese and meat appeared to react to the Benedict solution and turn into one of the indicating colors. Fruits such as apple …

                Homeostasis and sports

                Hypothesis – blood glucose level is usually affected by an activity or exertion such as a sport. Squash is a very exerting game and so a lot of glucose is required in providing energy while playing the game. The result …

                  Denaturing the enzyme

                  The three parts of the experiment have led to good results that we can use to validate our hypothesis. The results clearly show that as enzyme concentration increases to rate of reaction also increases. This is because. For Part 2 …

                    Indoor sports

                    To obtain a value for energy change in indoor sports using temperature change within an enclosed area of play. The sports investigated here are squash and table tennis. The exact values for energy change would be calculated using density of …


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