Endurance to play sport

Write down how and when you achieved your goal before moving onto the next one. It helps you track your overall improvement. I will progress my training in order to improve, and therefore I will not reverse. The training program is designed to work the persons body will work my body harder than normal, therefore there should be no reversibly. Also I should vary my training programme in order to avoid tedium (or, boredom).

Training Warm Up, Stretches and cool downs When participating in any sport it is vital we warm up, stretch and cool down. Warming up allows more oxygen to be carried to the working muscles. This will prepare the body for the activity to follow. This will also improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. The warm up is a technique designed: To prepare the body for competition or conditioning exercise. To reduce the possibility of muscle injury or soreness The warm up should include exercises that prepare the muscles to be used and activate the energy system required. The warm up should also be related specifically to the activity that follows. For instance, sit-ups or push-ups are not useful as a warm up for running 800 metres. Instead, jogging or run a through are the best preparation.

1) Neck stretches. Standing up straight, twist your neck to the left and hold, then to the left and hold. Then do the same to the front and back. This has stretched the muscles in your neck now you should rotate your neck but not fully 360 only 180at one time. 2) Rotation of the shoulder. Firstly with the right arm rotate it about the shoulder joint, firstly 10 times forward then 10 times backward. Do the same for the left arm.

3) Tri-cep stretches. Take one arm and hold it across your chest as seen in the picture but keep your arm straight. Do the same for the other arm. Now take one arm and put it behind your head, bent at the elbow, and hold with other hand at elbow as shown in the picture. Do the same for the other arm. 4) Rotation of hips. Hold your hands on your hips and rotate 20 seconds one way and then 20 seconds the other. Making sure that you rotate to the full extent of the hip joint.

5) Lower back stretches. Lying down with your back on the floor, straighten one leg, while bending the knee of the other leg, and trying to bring the thigh of your bent leg as close as possible to your chest. Hold it there. Then cross your bent leg over you’re straight leg and try to touch your knee to the floor (while trying to keep both shoulders on the ground). Repeat this same procedure with the other leg. Then, bend both knees and bring both thighs up against off your chest, keeping your back fully on the floor. Hold it there. Then, put both feet on the floor but keep the knees bent. While trying to keep both shoulders on the ground, roll your legs over to one side and try to get your knees to touch the floor beside you. Hold it there and then do the same but on the other side.

6) Groin and inner thigh stretches. Sit down with your back straight and bend your legs, putting the soles of your feet together. Try to get your heels as close to your groin as you can as is comfortable. Now push your knees to the floor as far as you can using your elbows (see picture). Keeping your knees where they are bend your chest over, trying to get it as close as you canto the floor. Hold it there.

7) Quadriceps stretch Stand up straight and bend one knee and bring that foot as close as you can to your gluteus maximus. You should have the knee bent as straight as possible not bent to one side. Also you should hold your ankle and not your foot with your hand so not to put too much strain on your ankle. Hold it there. Now do the same for the other leg. 8) Hamstring stretch. While lying on the floor put on leg in the air and support it on a wall (see picture). Your leg should be high enough so you feel a pull on your hamstring but it should be comfortable. Hold it there. Now do the same for your other leg.

9) Calf stretches. Put one leg in front of the other with both your feet pointing forward. Now push against a wall. You should feel a stretch on your gastrocnemius but if you don’t then move your back leg further away. Hold it there. Now do the same to your other leg. 10) Rotation of ankle. Standing straight lift one leg in the air and rotate your ankle joint both ways for 10 rotations either way. Do the same for the other ankle.

The cool down serves two purposes: 1) it reduces your pulse; and 2) it returns the blood to your heart in sufficient quantities to rid the muscles of lactic acid (a chemical result of muscular fatigue). If you stop suddenly, the blood will pool in your legs instead of returning to your heart. Dizziness, nausea and a “worn out” feeling are common symptoms of an improper cool down. Slow down gradually after exercising vigorously. Cooling down prevents feeling faint and passing out. Diet When participating is any sport, diet is a very important factor. Basketball lasts for four sets of 10 minutes, stopping the clock when the game is missed played, therefore the game can last a long time.

Our diet should be balanced, and Should be made up of Protein, Carbohydrates and fat, those being The three main sources, yet our Diet should still include vitamins and Minerals, fluids and fibre. There is not specific diet that a Basketballer should follow, mainly just to eat the correct amount food and to have a balanced diet. However depending on the season and competitions the diet will change. Our diet should be made up of about 55% of carbohydrates, this source is what gives us our endurance to play sport.

Proper breathing control is important for a successful stretch. Proper breathing helps to relax the body, increase blood flow throughout the body, and helps to mechanically remove lactic acid and other by-products of exercise. When you inhale, the diaphragm presses …

Although the cool down may not be considered vital it is just as important as the warm up and should last for around 20-30 minutes. In my PEP I will not work on any skill related fitness. However if my …

I also designed a warm up and cool down to help prevent me from sustaining an injury. Warm Up Routine: 1. A gentle jog varying between 200 and 400 metres. 2. Trapezius stretches. (Tilting the head to the front, back, …

An increase in the blood flow through active tissues (this is due to the local vascular beds dilating). This increases muscle temperature and the rate of metabolism in the muscle. As the body’s heart rate is increased, more oxygen is carried …

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