Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records Medical records are documentations of important information regarding the patient and the steps or procedures that health care professionals took in order to address the health care needs of the patient. Information written on medical records include the medical history of the patient and the other members of the family, important personal information, such as diet and lifestyle, among others, that may be crucial to the diagnosis and the treatment process.

Moreover, medical records include details about the diagnosis, treatments or procedures undergone by the patient, results of laboratory testing, surgeries, and operations, etc. (“How Private is my Medical Information”) Health care professionals understand the importance of medical records. This is because medical records serve varied purposes within the health care facility. Aside from the established fact that the patient’s private information is registered on the medical record, it also facilitates the workflow of health care professionals and communication between staff members regarding the status of the patient.

For instance, referrals to other health care professionals are best facilitated with the turnover of the patient’s medical records. (CPSA) The function of medical records stretches out to include the legal aspect of health care. (Jethani, 10) Due to the significance of medical records in the health care industry, enhancements were implemented in order to systematize recording of patient information, as well as to improve health care services.

With the advent of the technological age, health care facilities have started to implement the electronic documentation of patient information, hence, the electronic medical record (EMR). The health care industry have looked to the utilization of computers in order to cope with the much-needed change of facilities to improve the system of keeping medical records. Accuracy and efficient retrieval of medical records are the main reasons why the health care industry has adopted computer-based record keeping.

(AHiMA) Since the widespread use of technological devices for electronic medical records, several companies have invested on the production of system softwares and other tools that health care facilities may purchase. Companies have even modified EMR to EHR or electronic health records in order to improve the system and make it more comprehensive, such that it covers the health care facilities’ network with insurance companies (PRAXIS).

A research study was conducted in order to determine the cost of EHR’s when incorporated in health care practice. EHR’s are costly depending on the specifications and other services that it provides. EHR’s alone cost almost $128,000. The cost covers for the hardware and software applications, training and development, maintenance and support, and the annual expenses for upkeep. (AAFP & CHIT 6) The result of the study provides an estimate of EHR along with the added services that comes with it.

Electronic health records are a health record for patients that are used between different health facilities and agencies. This system is used to improve effectiveness, quality care, and reduce cost (long term). This record of information contains the history of …

The assigned topic is quite easy an easy one for research. The topic is very well documented, and many authors have begun researching and writing about it since the 1980s. Search engines through the Internet are quite useful in locating …

Healthcare providers are currently transforming the way information is handled, with major efforts being initiated to implement the infrastructure and applications needed to provide a fully interconnected, complete electronic health record (EHR). In conjunction with efforts to adopt EHRs, hospitals …

Burton, Anderson and Kues (2004), who were all affiliated with the national program called the Partnership for Solutions: Better Lives for People with Chronic Conditions, which is a founded national program, discussed how the adoption of electronic health records help …

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