Electronic health records

The assigned topic is quite easy an easy one for research. The topic is very well documented, and many authors have begun researching and writing about it since the 1980s. Search engines through the Internet are quite useful in locating organizations that are involved in the study of this paper’s topic. One such organization is the Healthcare Financial Management Association, which wrote about the different barriers to electronic health records.

Using the University’s online database, keywords such as “electronic records”, “health records”, and “electronic health records” were sued to locate relevant articles from JSTOR and other popular databases. Information Availability Information from the paid databases is available in various formats, such as pdf, word files, and others. Considering the variety of topics and authors used in the paper, different audiences such as professionals and end-users are the target.

Some articles are geared for implementers of the program to help them understand the barriers against the implementation of the system. Some articles, on the other hand, are directed for end-users who are encouraged to try the new system so that they could benefit from the technology. Personal Views Different organizations are concerned with identifying the barriers to the effective and full implementation of electronic health records.

The interest of such organizations is useful in bringing to the fore the different issues and points of view from major stakeholders, such as physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals. It is believed that electronic health records offer a lot of opportunities for greater efficiency in the healthcare profession. However, the technology has inherent weaknesses such as the difficulty involved in shifting from paper-based records to electronic ones. It is therefore believed that the barriers need to be overcome first before this technology could be fully utilized.

Burton, Anderson and Kues (2004), who were all affiliated with the national program called the Partnership for Solutions: Better Lives for People with Chronic Conditions, which is a founded national program, discussed how the adoption of electronic health records help …

Healthcare providers are currently transforming the way information is handled, with major efforts being initiated to implement the infrastructure and applications needed to provide a fully interconnected, complete electronic health record (EHR). In conjunction with efforts to adopt EHRs, hospitals …

Electronic Health Records Medical records are documentations of important information regarding the patient and the steps or procedures that health care professionals took in order to address the health care needs of the patient. Information written on medical records include …

Electronic health records are a health record for patients that are used between different health facilities and agencies. This system is used to improve effectiveness, quality care, and reduce cost (long term). This record of information contains the history of …

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