Effects of alcohol on men

Alcohol is one of the well known drugs that has been around for years. It is already a part of the human civilizations connoting pleasure and sociability. Manufacturing of products containing alcohol gave boost in the business industry. It is also accounted for several negative and positive effects upon its consumption. Alcohol is well represented on products like wine, beer and spirits. (Watson, 2000). The consumption of alcohol is more associated among men than women, although there are instances that women consume alcoholic beverages, men outnumber women when it comes to this activity.

In the United States, series of national alcohol surveys were conducted since 1964 and the results repeatedly indicated that men drink more alcohol than women. It was also found out that men abstain less from alcohol and drinks more frequently in greater quantities compared to their female counterparts. (Dawson et al. , 1996). The aim of this research is to give light on the effects of alcohol on men. Before someone could fully understand the negative and positive effects of alcohol consumption, it is imperative to know where alcoholic beverages originated. History of Alcohol

No one really knows when alocholic beverages were first used. Tens and thousands of years ago the occurrence of an accident was said to be the reason of the birth of alcohol. But the discovery of late stone age beer jugs created assumptions that fermented beverages were already present as early as the Neolithic period. (Cited in Patrick, 1952). It is believed that the earliest forms of alcoholic beverages are derived from berries or honey (Cited in Blum, et al. , 1969, Rouech, 1960, French, 1890) and the process of wine making was assumed to have originated in the Middle East where wild grape regions can be found.

This was associated from the records based from the old testament found in the book of Genesis 9:20 noting that a vineyard was planted in Mt. Ararat by Noah which is now known as the eastern part of Turkey. In ancient Egypt, wine making is present for the use of nobles and rulers. The wine known as yrp was for the elite members of the community in Egypt while the lower class were also given privilege to drink wine during public feast and sometimes were given as a form of wages to workers and rewards for soldiers. The national drink which ancient Egypt was known for was the beer called hqt (heket).

It was consumed by the poor members of the society but was also enjoyed by the upper class. The production of beer (brewery) was considered to be a royal monopoly. Brewing dated back from the beginning of civilization in ancient Egypt (Cited in Cherrington, 1952) and alcoholic beverages were considered to be significant as bread. As early as 2, 700 B. C. beer plays an important role in the life of the Babylonians. They used beer as a major beverage and offerings to their gods. In the Chinese civilization, variety of alcoholic beverages were used. Alcohol was said to be a spiritual food rather than a physical food.

Alcoholic beverages were used in all segments of the Chinese society such as a source of inpsiration, important for hospitality and were also used as a cure for fatigue. (Cited in Samuelson, 1878; Fei-Peng, 1982; Simons, 1991). Alcoholic beverages were also introduced in different countries and became an influence for the development of several processes such as distillation. Throughout history alcohol has been higly valued not only because of the role it played in the business industry but in the religious beliefs of people as well. (Watson, 2000).

The production of alcohol became a big business and the consumption of the said products became so popular that issues regarding its abuse has long been debated. Although advertisements use disclaimers for moderation of drinking, the abuse of alcohol is uncontrollable which became a rampant problem in different societies. Though there were scientific researches regarding the positive effects of alcohol, most of the negative effects of alcoholic beverages gain more attention because of the impact it brings not only to the person who is affected but their families and the community they belong.

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