Effective Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can be marked by explosive mood swings and periods of an extreme high or mania combined with other periods of depression. There are many different types of treatment that are used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. These types of treatment involve both medical and therapeutic models of treatment. There are both multiple medication and therapeutic models that are available for the treatment of this disorder. The suggested model of treatment is for these two types of treatment to be used in conjunction and to be used together. Effective Treatments of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder has been proven to be an extremely complex condition and approximately 5% of the population are living with the disorder and the challenging symptoms that accompany it (Leahy 2007). Suicide and suicide attempts are a common occurrence for those with Bipolar Disorder (Simon, Hunkeler, Fireman, Lee, and Savarino 2007) and co-morbidity is the rule rather than the exception (Cosoff and Hafner 1998). Bipolar disorder does not simply result in negative consequences for those diagnosed with the condition but also for those who love and care for the individual.

Issues such as fatigue and depression tend to afflict family members and loved ones of those with Bipolar Disorder (Kilmes-Dougan, Lee, Ronsaville, and Martinez 2008). Due to the prevalence and seriousness of Bipolar Disorder it stands to reason that there is a need to establish which therapeutic tools are most effective in treating the condition and which tools best enhance the quality of life for the individual. There has been a plethora of research conducted on the efficacy of different therapeutic models, many comparing the effectiveness of one modality over another.

The problem revolves around determining how effective one type of therapy is over the next and gauging the level in which co-morbidity and age of onset can alter the effectiveness of the different therapies. Research Questions Some of the things that researchers are trying to identify about bipolar disorder are basically answers to questions that they have not understood or areas of questions that have not been asked previously and have remained unanswered. Some of these questions include some basic questions over bipolar disorder itself. These questions are: (1) What is the most effective treatment for bipolar disorder?

(2) What is bipolar? (3) What are the causes of bipolar? (4) What are the co-morbidity? (5) How does bipolar disorder affect the family member of the patient? In the end in order for there to be able to be major changes in the overall system that is currently known as the mental health system than looking at these types of problems. It is also important for those around to know that there should be some different types of diabetes and understanding ones type will help him/her to be able to eat and understand the course of his/her business.

In the past there have been many different definitions of the disorder that is now known as bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mood and brain disorder. This disorder causes mood wings and unusual shifts in moods, as well as …

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