The Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Bipolar Disorder

The connection between substance use disorder (SUD) and bipolar disorder has been explored by various literatures. This has been proven by three epidermiologic studies namely the Epidermiological Catchment Area study (ECA), National Comorbidity Study (NCS), and the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). According to both the ECA and NCS, bipolar disorder is the Axis I disorder related to SUD. The ECA meanwhile indicated that SUD is associated with six out of ten individuals with bipolar disorders(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady, 2005).

In addition, a recent study by NESARC indicated that 41% of alcoholics and 60% of drug dependents will experience a mood disorder. Individuals looking to be treated from mood disorder will have a 20% comorbidity with SUD(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady, 2005). Bipolar Disorder Compared with other mood disorders, bipolar depression is unique because of the prevalence of at least a single manic episode. This is a chronic condition because most of the individuals suffering from the single manic episode will likely have future episodes.

According to statistics, four manic episodes in a span of ten years is the average without preventive treatment. Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings, combined with manic depressive episodes. Genetics may have an influence on the occurrence of this disorder. The condition usually starts during adolescent and may continue throughout the life of an individual. However, it is not considered a psychological disorder because it manifests itself in episodes. Statistics About Bipolar Disorder

Here are some facts about bipolar disorder that should be considered(Grohol, 2007): Over 2 million people in the United States suffer from manic-depressive conditions(Grohol, 2007). As most serious disorders, bipolar depression can likewise bring about spousal, family, friend, and work-related problems(Grohol, 2007). The family of an individual diagnosed with bipolar disorder would usually have to keep up with behavior problems as well as its lasting effects(Grohol, 2007)

Bipolar depression can be traced in the family and then is strong indication that it can be inherited. However, current efforts have proved futile as no particular genetic disorder have been associated with the condition(Grohol, 2007). Bipolar depression have been diagnosed in children below 12 years old, although its prevalence is not common in this age. The symptoms of bipolar disorder can be confused with another disorder called AD/HD(MentalHelp. net. 2006). Correctly diagnosing an individual with bipolar depression may take 20 years on the average( 2006).

In 37 percent of patients, bipolar depression is wrongly evaluated as unipolar depression despite the manic episode(MentalHelp. net. 2006). 2/3 of manic episodes do not include elation instead there is irritability or depression(MentalHelp. net. 2006) According to surveys, half of the patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder do not take the necessary medication(MentalHelp. net. 2006). Nine out of ten marriages that involve a spouse with bipolar disorder result to divorce(MentalHelp.

net. 2006). Four out of ten bipolar disorder patients end up in alcohol or drug abuse(MentalHelp. net. 2006) Fifteen to twenty five percent of bipolar disorder patients commit suicide, die in an accident or altercations after a manic episode(MentalHelp. net. 2006). Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder Long ago, bipolar disorder was a condition that was common in middle-aged adults experiencing a unique state of euphoria. However, manic depressives present an entirely different scene of the disorder.

According to them, bipolar depression is not only characterized by depression, it is usually a combination of irritability, depression and anger, orabsence or presence of euphoria(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady, 2005). As early as 19 years old, bipolar disorder can start manifesting itself. It is uncertain, although, whether the prevalence of the disorder will increase in children younger than 19 years old or it is just not recognizable during that period(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady, 2005).

Manic depressive episodes will usually come back throughout the life of the patient. During episodes, there are no symptoms that take place. However, up to 1/3 of the patients may experience residual symptoms(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady, 2005). Bipolar I disorder is the traditional kind of illness, which is characterized by repeated episodes of mania and depression. When the condition involves alternating episodes of mild hypomania and depression instead of severe mania, this is known as bipolar II disorder.

An illness wherein there are more than four episodes of the illness within a year is called rapid-cycling bipolar disorder(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady, 2005). The Prevalence of Bipolar Disorders Lifetime prevalence (LTP) is a condition that refers to the number of people in a certain population that is most likely to be affected by a particular illness during their lifetime. For instance, if a certain area has a population of 1000 and 100 of them was inflicted by a certain illness, then the LTP of that sickness is 10%(MentalHelp. net, 2006).

In the case of bipolar disorder, the LTP is between 0. 4% and 1/6% in various communities. In the United States, approximately 2 million or 1% of American adults are likely to be hit by bipolar disorder(MentalHelp. net, 2006). According to multiple researches, a huge amount of the almost 3. 4 million children and adolescents in the United States will most likely be experiencing the early stages of bipolar disorder but not yet the manic stage. Children who have been diagnosed with ADHD may actually be suffering from the early stages of bipolar disorder(MentalHelp. net, 2006).

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