Ebola Essay

An extreme biohazard disease has hit America. Up to 90% of people infected die. An outbreak occurred in March 201 that began in West Africa. This outbreak has proven more deadly, severe, and widespread than previous outbreaks. The Ebola virus is a serious and deadly disease transmitted by animals and humans. The Ebola virus appeared in 1976 in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ebola got its name from the Ebola River that flows in the Congo. There are five types of Ebola viruses; four of them cause the disease in humans.

Since 1976, when Ebola was found, there have been around 5000 people killed in West Africa. Ebola is a rare deadly disease the causes internal and external bleeding. When the disease spreads through the body, it damages the immune system and liquefies the organs. Also, it causes the levels of blood-clotting cells to drop, which causes uncontrollable bleeding. Blood-clotting is what stops the flow of blood of the sight of open wound. Ebola isn’t as contagious as other viruses; the only way it could be transmitted is when you come in contact with the skin or bodily fluids of the person infected with active symptoms. Ebola may me transmitted through contact of contaminated surfaces.

Symptoms of Ebola show up within 2 to 21 days after infection. Does the Ebola virus pose a threat to the health of American people? Although there is yet to be a cure for Ebola, the Ebola virus is not a threat to the American people because of the reproduction number of Ebola, the symptoms and transmission, and because of the good public health system in America. Ebola is not a threat to the health of the American people because of its reproduction number. In Document D “No, Seriously, How contagious is Ebola? ” Michaeleen Doucleff describes how the reproduction number of Ebola prevents Ebola from being a threat to the health of American people. ”

The reproduction number (R nought) is a mathematical term that tells you how contagious a disease is. In other words it’s the average of the number of people who catch the disease from one sick person in an outbreak. And that brings us back to Ebola. Despite its nasty reputation, the virus isn’t that impressive. It typically sits around 1. 5 to 2. 0. ” Also, “Even in the current epidemic in West Africa, where the virus has been out of control, each person who has gotten sick has spread Ebola to only about two others on average.

” This is showing that if one person who is carrying the disease the average of people who may get sick sits around 2 people. This comes to show that the chance of a huge outbreak is very small. And when the outbreaks occur, the number of more people getting sick isn’t huge. In Document D, the reader learns as to why the reproduction number of Ebola is low. “Many factors contribute to the R0, such as how long you’re infectious and how many virus particles are needed to make another person sick. But in Ebola’s case, the mode of transmission probably helps keep its R0 low.

Ebola isn’t spread through the air like the flu…” the factors as to why what keeps the R nought low matters because people will know what to look out for. And since the mode of transmission is what keeps the R nought low, people will know to look out for how Ebola is transmitted. Document D shows as to why the reproduction number of Ebola proofs the claim that Ebola is not a threat. Yes, Ebola is a severe deadly disease, but the reproduction number is one of the reasons of why not many outbreaks occur. And since there aren’t many outbreaks, Ebola won’t be a danger to the United States.

Ebola is not a threat to the health of American people because of how it’s transmitted. How a disease is transmitted is important to know because people will know how to take care of themselves and of others . In Document B, Lisa Maria Garza and Terry Wade gives examples of some symptoms of Ebola. “The virus can cause fever, bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea, and spreads through contact with bodily fluids. ” (B) Symptoms of diseases show a person really what the disease is and how dangerous it is. In the article on Document C, Katia Hetter and Jacque Wilson, gives a few facts about the Ebola virus.

“Ebola symptoms include fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat; followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function, and at advanced stage, both internal and external bleeding, according to the World Health Organization. ” This citation is showing what symptoms Ebola has and to show the reader that this disease affects a person in a drastic way, so it is noticeable and easy to determine. In the article on Document C, Katia Hetter and Jacque Wilson, gives a few facts about the Ebola virus.

“It’s unlikely the virus would spread on an airplane unless a passenger were to come into contact with a sick person’s bodily fluids, said Dr. Marty Cetron, director of CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine. ‘This is not an airborne transmission,’ Cetron told CNN. ‘There needs to be direct contact frequently with body fluids or blood. ’” This citation is trying to get across that people will remain safe if they are out of contact with the host because this disease isn’t that contagious. Also, “Duncan flew on United Airlines for two legs of his journey, and passengers on those flights are not in danger, said a United spokesperson, noting the CDC advice on symptoms.

‘The ill person did not exhibit symptoms of Ebola during the flights from West Africa and CDC does not recommend that people on the same commercial airline flights undergo monitoring, as Ebola is contagious only if the person is experiencing active symptoms,’ advised the CDC in a statement. ” What this citation is trying to show the reader that the people on the flight were safe when Duncan was traveling with them because he hadn’t shown symptoms, if he was showing symptoms the people there would be put to more danger.

Transmission of this disease is only possible if the person is showing symptoms and a person is in contact with fluids. Since this disease is only transmittable when a person has active symptoms, all you need to do to stay safe is to stay away from a person with these symptoms. In the article in Document D, Michaeleen Doucleff talks about the R nought and how it is affected by the transmission of Ebola.

“Because people carrying Ebola aren’t contagious until they show symptoms…health workers in Texas have to do is get the people possibly infected by the sick man into isolation before there people show signs of Ebola” This citation is showing the reader that an Ebola outbreak can easily be prevented since it’s not easy to get. Also, “But in Ebola’s case, the mode of transmission probably helps keep its R0 low.

Ebola isn’t spread through the air, like the measles or flu. It requires close contact with some bodily fluid, such as blood or vomit, containing the virus. ” This is showing how the transmission of Ebola affects the R nought. And since this is what keeps the R nought low, people need to know how to watch out for Ebola. If you know how to control the transmission of a disease, you know how to control the disease. And if you control the disease, there won’t be asmuch o utbreaks.

Therefore, Ebola is not a threat to the United States. Ebola is not a threat to the health of the American people because of the public health system of America and also what America is doing to fight against Ebola. In Document C, Katia Hetter and Jacque Wilson talk about what precautions the CDC is taking to lower the Ebola epidemic. “It’s no surprise that the U. S. government recommends that travelers avoid areas experiencing outbreaks and avoid contact with Ebola patients… The CDC is advising people to avoid all non-essential travel to Liberia, Guinea or Sierra Leone.

” This supports the claim because it’s telling you that the CDC is trying to give precautions to people so they can stay safe and keep others safe. Also, “Airplanes are given light cleanings between flights, a much heavier daily cleaning and even more on down time, experts tell CNN. This is done to prevent transmission of common diseases, like the flu, via surfaces such as armrests. And it is much tougher to catch Ebola than the flu. ”

This supports the claim because it’s telling you that the airplanes are being cleaned and since Ebola is hard to transmit; with the U. S. taking enough precautions to ensure the airplanes were people of many countries travel, they will be ensuring the safety of our health. In Document D, Michaeleen Doucleff talks about how and what health officials are doing to stop transmission from a sick man. “But that isn’t likely to happen in a place with a good public health system, like the U. S. Why?

Because people with Ebola aren’t contagious until they show symptoms. So to stop the chain of transmission, all health workers in Texas have to do is get the people possibly infected by the sick man into isolation before these people show signs of Ebola. ”

This supports the claim that Ebola is not a threat to the health of American people because it gives you an actual example of what health officials are doing. It tells you that when a person feels symptoms, they will be isolated to ensure the safety of those around them.

Even though the Dallas health officials took a misstep with a case, health officials now are doing what is possible to ensure that not another misstep will take place; they are cleaning airplanes better, giving better help, and also informing people how to lower the risks of getting Ebola is a serious disease and is very harmful, but with a place like the United states with a good health system who is doing what they can to ensure everyone’s safety, rich or poor. Does Ebola pose a threat to the health of American people?

The Ebola virus is not a threat to the American people because of the reproduction number of Ebola, the symptoms and transmission, and because of the good public health system in America. Most Americans may think the Ebola virus is a threat to the health of Americans because it is a deadly disease and there is no cure. And it is, Ebola is deadly, but with enough precautions taken, the disease will not pose a threat to us.

They’ve said that Ebola is the new Black Death, Ebola is nothing compared to the black plague were the most significant outbreak was in Europe in the mid-fourteenth century. Over a five-year period from 1347 to 1352, 25 million people died. 25 million people died from the Black Death in just five years whereas 5000 people died from Ebola in around 40 years. Ebola is nothing compared to the Black Death. Ebola is indeed dangerous but its not a major threat because of its transmission, how us as Americans protect ourselves and of our health system, and because of it reproduction number.

?What is Ebola? Ebola was first discovered in West Africa near the Ebola River. It is a severe, often fatal, disease caused by infection with one of the Ebola virus strains. According to the World Health Organization, the latest outbreak …

The Ebola outbreak has took a huge toll on the world, however it is primarily in the African countries Sierra Leone and Liberia. It spreads through bodily fluids including sweat which is one reason it spreads so fast there. In …

Much progress was made in the effort to find a possible treatment method for the Ebola virus outbreak in many African countries. The drug is called “ZMapp,” and medical professionals say victims have shown “very positive signs of recovery. ” …

Source l http://time.com/3525385/ebola­threat­us­cdc/ two­thirds of americans are concerned about the ebola outbreak, reacting to the situation such as in the article it states how “parents in mississippi pulled their children out of a middle school ….’ finding out that the …

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