Jhoana Annotated Bibliography Ebola

Source l http://time.com/3525385/ebola­threat­us­cdc/ two­thirds of americans are concerned about the ebola outbreak, reacting to the situation such as in the article it states how “parents in mississippi pulled their children out of a middle school ….’ finding out that the principle had traveled to zambia but he did not show any symptoms . New york governor Andrew Cuomo said that it should be considered that people shouldn’t travel and ban people from travelling to west africa.

It is believed that Ebola isn’t a great threat to the united states because theres been only a certain amount of people that have gotten affected but either died or gotten better. The American people don’t have to make a big fuss about it because at the moment there was only about 6 people that were infected with ebola. Also ebola would take time to take over the population. In west africa it took time for almost thousand of people to get infected.



Over time there will be more people who get infected if there is not care. In March 2014 there were 13,241 people that were diseased in multiple countries and right now the re is no current increase in the ebola virus being here in the U.S. Here in the U.S there is treatment, healthcare, and such. So theres no big deal about ebola. Ebola in this case isn’t a big threat because it hasn’t increased.

Extra Source https://web.stanford.edu/group/virus/filo/history.html Ebola is named after Ebola river in Zaire it first emerged in Sudan and Zaire in 1976. First outbreak of ebola was in Sadan it infected over 284 people, few months later the second outbreak emerged from Yambuku,Zaire EBAZ(ebola zaire)which was the highest mortality rate it infected 318 people. In the source it states that in the third strain of ebola (ebola reston) EBOR, was first identified “in 1989 when infected monkeys were imported into Reston,Virginia from Mindanao in the Philippines.” . The last know strain of ebola was in 1994 called Ebola Cote D’ivoire (EBO­CL) it was found in a female ethologist that was taking care of the chimpanzees accidentally infected her self during the necropsy.

Source lll http://thinkprogress.org/health/2014/08/26/3475698/americans­ebola­myths/.

Americans believe that they are endangered because they think that there will be a large outbreak in the United States, that family members are at risk when going to school with numerous numbers of students, that they’ll catch the deadly virus. Ebola is believed to only infect people that eat an infected animal or by the sick persons
body fluid in the article it states that unlike the flu it cannot be by standing next to someone who coughs,sneezes or breathes on you for this reason ebola is easily to contain based on the fact that its not easily transmitted. Unlike West Africa its spreading rapidly but this is only because they lack in “ adequate health care infrastructures ”and its hard for them to respond to the ebola outbreak. “officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

(CDC) say there’s virtually no chance it could spread very far in the United States.” so if the officials say that, then it might be true because the U.S have health care and a larger change to stop the virus from spreading.

The American people are worried based on the fact that countries such as Liberia and Sierra Leone are having an ebola outbreak which is very dramatic. In fact people also know that the virus is unstoppable which is threatening . In the source it states that maybe perhaps Americans are afraid due to the fact of horror movies based on outbreaks such as “2011′s Contagion “ makes them fear ebola which in reality isn’t as a big threat as they believe it is. This article by Tara Culp-Ressler was very interesting to read because i didn’t note or had a thought about the fact that many people get influenced by movies which make them fear things such as the ebola outbreak, which in fact isn’t a threat. Many people get influenced or jump into conclusions without having any knowledge about the virus .
Source lV www.npr.org/2014/10/04/353679069/why­ebola­is­not­a­threat­tothe­u­s.

“Ebola has come to the United States. NPR’s Scott Simon talks to physician and infectious disease specialist Kent Sepkowitz about the CDC’s handling of Ebol.

The Ebola virus is a deadly virus in the filovirus family. The filovirus family consists of Ebola Zaire, the most virulent of the Ebola viruses, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston, and Marburg. The Ebola Zaire virus has a 90% kill rate …

The Ebola virus is a deadly virus in the filovirus family. The filovirus family consists of Ebola Zaire, the most virulent of the Ebola viruses, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston, and Marburg. The Ebola Zaire virus has a 90% kill rate …

Ebola virus is back, this time in West Africa, with over 350 cases and a 69% case fatality ratio at the time of this writing (Baize). The culprit is the Zaire ebola virus species, the most lethal Ebola virus known, …

Over the past few months, Ebola has found its way into the United States, and has caused one death. On September 30th 2014, the CDC confirmed the first case of one of the deadliest viruses without our country. During that …

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