Ebola Crisis

Ebola is an incredibly dangerous disease that has been sweeping West Africa recently, hitting mainly in Liberia and Guinea. Ebola seems to be affecting trade from West Africa to the US seeing as how it states in the article “Cocoa Prices Surge on Ebola Fears” by Alexandra Wexler that “even a small number of Ebola cases in Ivory Coast could have a sweeping impact in the cocoa market. ” This proves that if Ebola has the opportunity to spread all the way to where we get cocoa from, then the US is simply not going to invest in the cocoa in fears of the spreading of the virus.

I am not quite sure what to think on the matter of how the reports on the cocoa markets were at the same time as the US and other nations releasing money for aid and for the crisis, but I am usually not one to believe coincidences. This is most definitely a driving factor for the response of international communities seeing as how they more than likely believe that all of this is some kind of scam to get money from the other nations. This response might be based on morality, but in reality, the response of all nations is probably set in fear by now.

Most nations are scared of what this virus is and the probability of whether it can spread any more than it already has. The involvement of the media in spreading facts about the Ebola crisis can be a bittersweet thing in its own. The fact that the media seems to be keeping us updated is a good thing, but at the same time, all these updates could hold the possibility to terrify the world as a whole. The media also might not be telling the truth in all this chaos. Who knows whether or not the virus is as bad as they say?

No one truly knows if the virus is not a big deal and people are just making it out to be or if it is a much bigger problem than people are making it seem. The only way to know for sure is a firsthand experience, which I would not want to be a part of quite frankly. Stating that, I do not believe that I would completely trust all that the media has to say about the Ebola virus seeing as how different media stations seem to say different things.

The fact that Ebola is an awful thing is all that I know is true, and I personally do not want to be one to find out just how terrible it can be. The fact that in the article “US Warns that Ebola Could Infect 1. 4 Million” states that “about 5,800 illnesses and over 2,800 deaths have been counted since the first cases were reported” is a scary thought, and I do not want it to spread any more than it already has. The government and hospitals need to get this virus under control and the media needs to tell the complete truth about what is really going on in the world in relation to the deadly Ebola virus.

The Ebola outbreak that started in Africa has become a major health issue for the United States. When the virus surfaced, many feared that it would be brought back from Africa and infect North America. The world health organization (WHD) …

The origin has been traced to a two-year-old child from the village of Gueckedou in south-eastern Guinea, an area where batmeat is frequently hunted and eaten. The infant, dubbed Child Zero, died on 6 December 2013. The child’s family stated …

I personally do feel that the United States should do more to fight Ebola in West Africa. I believe that every human being should have access to adequate health care and that it is the moral responsibility of individuals to …

Ebola. This virus has been in the news for quite a bit now, hasnt it? For those who dont really know about the Ebola virus, let me give you a brief, but precise explanation about it. The Ebola virus was …

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