Dyslexic people

Since dyslexic people suffer with differing symptoms, helping them to cope with everyday life must be done on an individual level. If detected early enough there are three widely used methods to help dyslexic children overcome this barrier in learning. The first method is called the developmental approach and uses previous methods that are believed to be instructional and helpful and center on the extra time these special children need to learn specific tasks. Because the symptoms vary with each individual, the specific symptom would have to be predetermined in order for the developmental approach to work.

A second method uses corrective measures in that it breaks the children into groups and emphasizes special interests and assets of the special child. This method is based on the hope it will give the child to overcome the disability. If used properly, this method could strengthen a child’s resolve to overcome which results in them feeling normal. Specific corrective measures are taken on the child’s initiative which enables the child to understand they have the power to do something about this problem they face. The last approach is a remedial approach. It attempts to overcome dyslexia through education and psychology.

It is thought that dyslexia is just a learning disorder that can be overcome through educating the sufferer and psychologically helping them to cope with it. This approach is really the most involved of the three, but it only involves people on a professional level. This could be seen as a detriment to children with dyslexia. The time spent with psychologists and other medical professions takes away from the time they could spend with children their age. With enough interaction on their level they may be able to see their difference, and with the help of the other children psychological help is provided.

WebMD states that dyslexia could be genetic in that people who suffer with it usually have someone else in the family lineage that also suffers with it. Genetic disorders are diseases that can be passed from parents to children. Some disorders may be inherited if only one parent has the gene, while others can be inherited only if both parents have the gene (Cooke, http://children. webmd. com/tc/Dyslexia-Cause). Cystic Fibrosis and Sickle-Cell are two samples given by WebMD as being on the list of genetically inherited medical problems.

“The mental function that causes dyslexia is a gift in the truest sense of the word: a natural ability, a talent. It is something special that enhances the individual,” so says Ronald Davis in his co-authored book on the subject, …

It is in the school where the training and proper enhancement of the dyslexic child’s skill happen. However, due to the stigma that dyslexics have a hard time learning, some institutions barely keep track of their students and because of …

The examples below give a better understanding of the processes in the brain of a dyslexic person. The word sare n otsp aced cor rect ly We spell wrds xatle az tha snd to us Sometimesalltheletterarepushedtogether The brain suffering from …

An important proportion of dyslexic students have difficulty-learning maths (T. R. & E. Miles, 1992). Some dyslexic students are held back by surface aspects of numeracy – difficulties in remembering orally encoded maths facts, such as multiplication tables, for example. …

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