Drugs – Age-related Changes on Elderly

I. Three Common Problems in Medication Use a. Liver Function Degenerations – the cause of liver degenerations are primarily due to over-work on hepatic network especially if too many medications are being administered (Williams, 2002 p. 1919). Nursing Interventions: Ensure frequent monitoring of hepatic function via laboratory tests as prescribed by physician in order to prevent further hepatic damage.

Monitor any signs and symptoms of possible liver damage. b. Adverse Drug Reactions – Various medications given to elderly induce adverse effects, and since, elderly encounters changes in body functions, resistance towards these drug adverse effects also decreases (Williams, 2002 p. 1920). Nursing Interventions: Monitor signs & symptoms of drug toxicity. Provide health teaching about these adverse effects for patient awareness.

Ensure that the patient receives adequate drug dosage and monitor as well medication administration. c. Non-compliance brought by Aging – Elderly encounter memory reductions, sensorium deficiency and age-related changes in pharmacology, which causes such condition (Williams, 2002 p. 1919).. Nursing Intervention: Monitor drug administration and ensure 10 rights of medication administrations.

II. Are there Some Medical Problems in the Elderly that could be addressed in a Non-pharmacologic Fashion? Non-pharmacologic interventions involve exercise, proper diet and health teaching that are given for health prevention and health promotion purposes.


Williams, M. C. (2002, November 15). Using Medications Appropriately in Older Adults. American Family Physician, 66, 10.

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