Taking the Lid Off Elderly Nutrition

The nutritional status of the elderly has always been generally characterized as poor due to illnesses and disorders (Ham, 1991). Moreover, the elderly mostly does not have enough awareness, willingness and resources to provide themselves the most favorable diet. In addition, there is also a challenge in providing the elderly with proper diet since, according to Capra (n. d. ), there is not enough information that could identify the exact nutrients that they need for adequacy.

The elderly is believed to need every nutrient in existence; however, the recommendations for people older than 70 years of age are the same as the people around their 50s. Moreover, the more delicate elderly have their own special set of needs; unfortunately, there is no sufficient data to give them dovetailed health recommendations (Capra, n. d. ). Elderly Nutrition According to Facts of Life (2004), majority of the elderly take anti-coagulant drugs to avoid blood clots that can lead to heart attacks, however, its effect is hindered if they eat foods that are rich in Vitamin K.

Therefore, the elderly are faced with a dilemma of lessening their digestion of Vitamin K-rich foods. It is important, however, for the elderly to keep their willingness to eat to avoid weight loss and under-nutrition (Facts of Life, 2004). Not all the diets for the elderly are effective. In fact, according to Facts of Life (2004), the elderly who eats a diet that is rich in fiber and carbohydrates and low on fat can live longer and healthier compared to those who are under a diet that is high in protein and fat while low in carbohydrates and fiber.

This is because a diet that is low on fat can improve particular functions of the immune system of the elderly, especially those who have high cholesterol levels. This has been proven by the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research on Aging, Tufts University (Facts of Life, 2004). There are also other diets that distance the body away from Vitamin A, B, C and D, calcium, and other anti-oxidants that can prevent fast aging (Arnone, 2008).

The elderly are encouraged to undergo a balanced diet and maintain an active lifestyle. Moreover, they are also asked to review their diet periodically to monitor if there are changes such as in their tasting and smelling that are triggered by depression, and could eventually lead to loss of appetite. Unfortunately, there are elderly who are challenged to maintain a balanced diet for they choose not to eat because of chewing struggles, fatigue and social factors (Arnone, 2008).

Their diets are also affected by the changes that occur around them and with their relationship with other people. Common problems that transpire among the elderly are sudden loss of weight, malnutrition, changes in taste and smell, emotional problems, lessening of bone density and bone degeneration due to genetics. Another factor which contributes to loss of appetite is medications like supplements (Arnone, 2008).

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