Doctor of Pharmacy

Why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas. I have lived a life that is filled with numerous queries. As a young child, I have been exposed to a family friend, named Morris Bellman, who believed that I had the qualities of a successful pharmacist.

I had the idea that I wanted to be of service to people more as I grew older, and my inclusion in the roster of students to be admitted to your university would come as an advantage. My name is Saintvil and I am looking forward to acquiring a degree as a Doctor of Pharmay from your university. For the past 11 years, I worked for different companies, indulging in medications and the health of the patients. I was assigned in different departments where my talents and knowledge about the said course were honed further.

From the years 1998-2003, I was both a material handler and customer service clerk at the Caremark Mail Order Pharmacy in Weston Florida. The experience allowed me to reach further heights, when in July 2003, I received my certification as a Certified Pharmacy Technician. This milestone in my life became the core reason in my acceptance at the Soliant Health, where I have been working as a Pharmacy Technician. I believe that my experiences as a Pharmacy Technician were beneficial in my decision to become a Pharmacist.

This coincided with the fact that my inspiration was our family friend, Morris Bellman. He never failed to inspire me on how I could make a difference in the lives of people. In addition to this, he also believed that regardless of everything, I had the capacity and the ambitions to finish school. Morris was a mentor in my life, who always made me feel his interest in my future. He taught me the importance of prescription drugs, including their methods of administration, adverse effects, and proper dispensing.

He made sure that I had the knowledge deemed from professionals in the said field, making me read and indulge in continuing education. The knowledge that he shared with me came into use as my parents were under prescription drugs. Aside from work, I am able to practice my future profession by serving as a guide to my parents who were required to drink prescription drugs. This was definitely an advantage for me, because I am able to learn while at the same time prepare myself into this profession of being of service to mankind.

As of the moment, I am currently enrolled at the Broward College in Davie Florida. My eagerness to know more about the pharmacy practice will enable me to ensure that patients are knowledgeable on the importance of their prescription. Furthermore I am proud to say that I am bilingual and can speak in different languages. This may come to my advantage for I may be able to interpret and counsel the patients on the need and how prescriptions are to be taken.

Having good moral character will also come in handy, for patients would become more open to trusting their pharmacists. In addition to this, I consider myself to be a hard worker, self motivated, and ready for change. Lastly, I believe that as a Pharmacist, I have what it takes to make a difference in this world. Through hard work and dedication, I may be able to inspire others to indulge in the said field, and eventually make discoveries in the said field. Anything is possible, if people would just put their heart and soul in everything that they indulge in.

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