Dieting/slimming affect their lifestyle

In past generations, people used to resign themselves to the fact that they might outlive their teeth. Adults today use established techniques to maintain dental health, but actually face two concerns: whether their teeth are healthy and how their teeth look. Attractive, whiter teeth lend a more youthful appearance to a person’s face. Stains in Tooth Layers At the center of each tooth, its pulp holds the nerves and the blood supply. A somewhat soft layer called the dentin surrounds the pulp, and the hard enamel covers the dentin.

Some adults may have tooth staining in the dentin that shows through the enamel; this type of staining typically happens after the use of certain antibiotics. More typical adults experience stains that occur in the enamel and five teeth a yellow or gray appearance. Stain Causes If you notice that your teeth seem to be staining, pay attention to a few factors. Dark beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, and some sodas will often stain the teeth. Smoking causes a dreaded yellow tint. If you’re noticing a gray tint, you may be brushing too hard; a hard brush or abrasive toothpaste can thin the enamel. Finally, expect a bit of a color change as you age.

Stain Cures Stains to the tooth enamel aren’t necessarily permanent. You can take steps both on your own and with your dentist to achieve a whiter, brighter smile. At Home Brushing and flossing are your first defense. Flossing removes the build-up that can turn yellow or gray. If you brush at least twice daily for two minutes per session, you will see the impact of your greater brushing efforts.

You also can take advantage of one of the many home whitening kits now available. Some work better than others, so ask your dentist to recommend the best kit for your situation. At the Dentist Dentists- especially those that specialize in cosmetic dentistry- can use a variety of techniques to make your pearlies more white. The most affordable techniques involve bleaching and laser treatments, while applying tooth veneers and bonding can help correct both color and shape problems.

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