Development at each life

Not everything that a child learns from primary socialisation within the family group is learnt by copying adults. Children also spend time watching television, listening to radio and playing video/computer games. Children will be influenced by the things they see and hear through the media as well as their experiences within the home. Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society.

Adolescents are influenced mostly by their friends. They may see themselves in situations where friends encourage and influence them to do things they should not do. Parents will also influence adolescents during their time at home but most adolescents are influenced mainly by their experiences within social/friendship groups they form during childhood. Primary and secondary socialisation affect an adult in different ways both affecting development greatly. Family and friends can influence adults both positively and negatively.

Family and friends can support adults when they need it the most but in the same manner, family can be unsupportive which may lead to stress and depression. Adults form social/friendship groups at work, which may influence them in many ways. Friends during adulthood influence you less than in adolescence. An a group of friends may encourage one person who does not usually drink to go out for a drink, this may lead the adult to a bad habit or even an addiction. If you have children this makes you bad role model for them.

Elder adults often suffer from low self-esteem and loneliness due to the fact that they are old and are not capable to do many things that adults do which may put off friends and family. The type of socialisation that affects an adult most greatly is secondary socialisation. During adulthood media doesn’t affect development due to their experiences in life and their ability to know what’s right and wrong. Whereas friends and family affect development greatly as it is at this time when love and support from them is needed the most.

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