Dental Insurance

Introduction There are various kinds of health/medical insurance in modern times, and insurance for dental health is one of its significant aspects. Dentistry is a medical discipline that addresses the oral health of an individual. Dental insurance is offered to individuals and families who obtain their dental insurance coverage through large groups or through their employers or people go for Dental Insurance on individual basis. Dental Insurance covers dental examinations, hygiene cleanings, root canals, orthodontics, and so on.

Background Like medical insurance, dental insurance is a one of its kind insurance plan that is designed to lessen the financial burden of professional care and dental treatment. The key feature that makes it unique is unlike medical insurance, which normally applies only during the times of serious injury or disease, dental insurance covers usual and preventive dental treatment, as well. Dental insurers typically pay the “usual, customary and reasonable” (UCR) rate which is determined by dental plan administrators.

This rate varies widely from plan to plan and must be very carefully considered by an employer electing dental coverage for their employees or an individual researching independent coverage. The UCR is the fee that the dental insurer sets comparatively to the average local dentist’s rate for the same procedure. The main categories of dental insurance plans are: 1) P. P. O (preferred provider organization) 2) H. M. O. (health maintenance organization), direct re-imbursement and 3) Indemnity plans Importance

Dental health is extremely important for individuals and families and it’s financially helpful to have some form of dental coverage to minimize the costs of dental care. It is typically available to individuals and families who receive their dental insurance coverage through large groups or through their employers. There is a premium that the employer pays to have their employees dental care covered. However, in today’s world many employers are cutting back the benefits they provide and therefore many people go to the Internet to seek out dental insurance plan alternatives.

For an individual, it gives basic coverage for exams, hygiene cleanings, root canals, orthodontics etc and depending on the insurance plan the maximum yearly spending limits can dramatically differ. Scope and limitations The two most important techniques are primary data collection and secondary data collection. The primary data will be collected by formulating a questionnaire. This questionnaire will help in analyzing the scope of Dental Insurance in India.

Secondary data will be collected with the help of books, newspaper articles, magazines and the Internet. The main limitation of this study is the lack of adequate literature on the subject. Moreover, the size of the sample for the purpose of the study is very small. Time period The period of this study is for three months, i. e. January to March, 2011. Geographical area The area of research will be determined through sampling. The research will be conducted in the major cities in India i. e.

Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai. Review of related literature “Maintaining good oral health is increasingly important as people age, and today dental insurance is more important than ever for individuals to stay healthy and save money on health care costs,” said Tom Dimmer, director of National Individual Sales for Renaissance America. “In the dental insurance and employee benefits industry, it isn’t enough for us to just offer what competitors have,” said Chris Swanker, vice president, Group Dental, Guardian

“Preventative treatments with in-network dentists are important and help keep the long-term cost of dental care under control. This makes dental insurance care accessible to more people,” said Richard Goren, DDS and second vice president, Group Dental, Guardian. Definition of terms used 1) Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) PPO programs are plans under which patients select a dentist from a network or list of providers who have agreed, by contract, to discount their fees. 2) Dental Health Maintenance Organization.

Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) or capitation plans pay contracted dentists a fixed amount (usually on a monthly basis) per enrolled family or individual, regardless of utilization. In return, the dentists agree to provide specific types of treatment to the patient at no charge. 3) Dental indemnity plan An indemnity dental insurance plan is often called a traditional dental coverage plan or a fee for service plan. The client pays a monthly premium to an insurance company, which then reimburses the dentist for the services.

Objectives The objectives of this study are: ? To understand the concept of Dental Insurance ? To analyze the scope and prospects of Dental Insurance in India Dental Insurance in India is yet to come up in a big way. It is still in its nascent stages. One of the major objectives of this project is to analyze whether there is a scope for Dental Insurance to make it big in the near future. Hypothesis As of today, dental insurance is not available in India on a standalone basis. Research design.

The study will involve evaluating the scope and prospects of dental insurance through primary research conducted in the major cities in India. Consequently, the research will be designed to achieve the objectives set out by the researchers. Chapter scheme |Chapter no. | TOPIC | |1. |Introduction | |2. |Types of Dental Insurance plans | |3. |Beneficiaries of Dental Insurance | |4. |Importance of Dental Insurance | |5. |Analysis and Interpretation | |6. |Recommendations and Conclusion | |7. |Bibliography | |8. |Annexure | Budget Travelling expenses Conveyance Lodging facilities.

Introduction There are various kinds of health/medical insurance in modern times, and insurance for dental health is one of its significant aspects. Dentistry is a medical discipline that addresses the oral health of an individual. Dental insurance is offered to …

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