Countries concerning Drug and Alcohol Abuse

In China, the history of drug abuse can be traced on the use of opium which caused the war between China and Great Britain. Truly, opium was the most abused drug during those times. However, over the years, other kinds of illicit drugs were also introduced in China. Heroin became the next attraction in China followed by amphetamines and ketamine in 1997. Since then the increase of drug and alcohol abuse cases were doubled and even tripled. And by the end of 2002, there were 70,000 drug and alcohol addicts that were registered.

Such number was very disturbing. (World Drug Report 2000, 2001) Nevertheless, the number of teenagers who were reported to have involved in drug and alcohol abuse in China was lesser as compared to the number of teenagers in North America who engaged in drug and alcohol abuse. In European countries like France, United Kingdom (UK), Italy and Great Britain, issues on drug and alcohol abuse were also found to be problematic. Britain was in top rank with reference to the cases of drug and alcohol abuse.

Italy, France and Portugal were said to be in the last ranks when it comes to alcoholism. (World Drug Report 2000, 2001) On the other hand, Denmark and UK ranked first and second respectively having reached very high numbers of teenagers who were so much indulged in alcohol abuse. Concerning prohibited drugs, marijuana, heroin and cocaine were the most commonly abused drug in Europe. UK and France got the highest number of teenage population who used and abused those kinds of illicit drugs.

(World Drug Report 2000, 2001) In comparing Europe with the cases of drug and alcohol abuse in North America, the latter was still superior with regards to the cases of drug and alcohol abuse. Nevertheless, Europe was also alarmed with the fact that cases on drug and alcohol abuse on European states most especially in France and UK were staring to increase every year. Hence European states initiated various rehabilitation programs and policies regarding drug and alcohol abuse cases.

In South America, on the contrary, cases of drug and alcohol abuse were higher than North America. This was primarily due to the fact that states that lie in the region of South America have the most raw materials in manufacturing and producing illicit drugs. In addition, the South American region has an easy access to transport these prohibited drugs to their neighboring countries like USA, Canada, and Mexico, and even in Europe. (World Drug Report 2000, 2001)

The teenage addiction in illicit drugs and alcohol was reportedly more widespread and extensive in South America. Even young teenagers had been traced of being dependent of those prohibited drugs. Likewise, the rate of alcoholism in the South American region was also high. (World Drug Report 2000, 2001) It can be inferred that because North America is only closed to the major manufacturer of illegal drugs such as marijuana and the likes, drug and alcohol abuse cases are also prevalent in its region.

Regardless of the region or country, the effects that can be caused by drug and alcohol abuse are the same. First and foremost, it has bad effects on the health of the individual who is abusing it. The effects on …

According to a study carried out in the Maritime Provinces, marijuana, stimulants, mescaline and amphetamines were the most commonly abused drugs used by the teenagers in the North America particularly in distinct parts of Canada. In addition, number of cases …

Prevention is better than cure. Truly, it is more advantageous if the problem against drug and alcohol abuse should be prevented much earlier rather than finding ways on how it can be cured. With the mentioned ill-effects and consequences of …

The physiological and psychological effects of illegal drugs or illicit drugs depend on the substance or drug that is used or taken in by an individual. (Yoslow, 1992) Marijuana has the following physiological and psychological effects: increased heart rate, bloodshot …

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