Counselors and therapists

The center will sponsor assessment for its clients in order to determine the best treatment of therapy that will meet their needs. The assessment that will be used is the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). Along with this assessment is a checklist based on actual observations of the therapist, which will be administered before and after each treatment program. The tests will be the basis of the kind of stress management treatments or techniques each client will be given. This is to ensure that the treatments given have a valid reason for being employed on to each client.

Methods include progressive relaxation or meditation, hypnosis, biofeedback, breathing retraining exercises, and other effective methods. This paper also discusses different studies associated with these methods, supporting the feasibility of producing the highly positive results on each client. The center will have a highly organized scheme for processing clients. They will be organized and sorted according to the type of treatment appropriate for their situation. The center will be open to all types of clients but will focus on professionals who experience stress on a daily basis.

Clients will undergo a treatment program consisting of a number of sessions, each with their corresponding method of therapy. This is done in order to measure the rate of improvement the clients would achieve until the last session is over. Measurement of the efficacy of the results will be based on retesting stress assessment tools which will be compared with the clients’ test results prior to the program, and therapists’ observations. Furthermore, the center will consist of professional counselors and therapists.

They will ensure the proper handling of clients and that their needs are met. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale The center will be equipped with different assessment tools for measuring stress levels and other symptoms related to it. This is to ensure that each client will be given the best treatment that is fit for their particular situations. One of the tools that are going to be used in the center is the Social Readjustment rating Scale (SRRS). The simple test measures depression which is highly related to the level of stress.

It measures stress by assigning a mean score to a variety of life events. However, the scope of this test is limited only to events that have happened within the last year. The level of the score is directly proportional to the level of stress (Wagemaker, 1994). The test was authored by Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in order to provide a standard measure of the effects of a variety of common stressors. The test is scored by adding up the values for the listed life events that have occurred within the past year.

If the life event was encountered twice or more, then the score on that particular event will be multiplied to the number of occurrences. The total value is placed at the end of the list. Examples of life events included in the test are the death of spouse, divorce, being fired at work, and pregnancy. Each of these events has a corresponding number of points, depending on the intensity of the stressor. For interpretation, a total score of 150 or less suggests low levels of stress and low probability of developing stress-related illnesses.

If the total score is 300 or more, there is 80 percent probability of getting sick in the near future. The probability is 50 percent if the score is 150 to 299 and about 30 percent if it is less than 150. The test has been studied showing correlations between the numbers of life-changing units experienced in the previous year with a person’s health in the present year. Scores of the SRRS are also correlated with various difficulties such as heart attacks, broken bones, diabetes, tuberculosis, complications of pregnancy, and others (“The Social Readjustment Rating Scale”, n. d. ).

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