Coordinated school health program

Obesity has since become a huge problem across all ages in the west. It can be simply described as a state of being overweight. It is characterized by a usually bigger than normal body. Victims can be simply described as being physically unfit. They do risk getting diseases that are associated with very huge bodies. Examples of these include high blood pressure. Due to this developing time bomb, much effort has been diverted to combating the problem. The main stay of my research is going to be being overweight.

In order to curb this in schools I seek to justify the need for introducing a school health program called ‘physical activities’ that will theoretically try to check on obesity. Recent studies have shown that changing eating habits and also engaging in physical activity hugely reduces the risk of one being obese. One advantage associated with these methods of containing the problem is that they are cheap and very easy to manage. It is very easy for one to stop taking foods rich in fats and also be physical.

Obesity can be easily dealt with at an early age. It is for this reason that authorities are insisting on a comprehensive approach for reducing obesity in children that includes increasing physical activity in the schools. This entails engaging the students in a program beside the academic one they are known to. Although physical activity has been common in schools, little guidance has been given to schools on how to achieve their goals. (Kolbe, 1987)

Activities that would help the students remain physically fit include; rhythms and dance; games; team, dual, and individual sports; tumbling and gymnastics; and aquatics. Quality physical education should promote, through a variety of planned physical activities, each student’s optimum physical, mental, emotional, and social development, and should promote activities and sports that all students enjoy and can pursue throughout their lives. Qualified, trained teachers teach physical activity.

(Runny, 2007) The program is designed to motivate and assist students to maintain and improve their health, prevent disease, and reduce health-related risk behaviors. The programs helps students develop skills. The health education program entails a variety of topics like personal health and how to be generally careful with health even with his environs. Well trained personnel provide this health education. (Russell et al, 2007) Obesity has been identified as the most common pediatric health problem.

There is a widespread perception about the health problem with many even physicists dismissing it as a minor health risk. However, it has been proved that it possess a significant health risk both in the short term and in the long term. These may include among others • cardiovascular problems • very fat liver, • asthma, • diabetes mellitus, • heart problems • severe economic outcomes A key component of a successfully executed weight- management program entails physical activity and dietary modification.

Other factors that may be of help include reducing sedentary practices. These practices improve on weight problems, and can increase physical fitness, enhance psychosocial functioning, and improve cardiovascular and metabolic health. Although treatments for obese children do exist, it is always wise that preventive interventions targeting the school setting, the community, the physical environment, and society are needed to prevent and reduce obesity in children and young people. (John, 2008)

Obesity has been termed as an epidemic across all age groups in the United States, and interventions to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviors have become a priority. Evidence shows that interventions to increase students engaging in physical activity and reducing amounts of excessive fatty foods yields positive results. Health organizations are insisting on a comprehensive way of reducing obesity in children that includes increasing physical activity in the school setting.

Although the call to increase activity levels in schools is clear, little guidance has been given to schools on specific methods to accomplish this task. This report gives an overview of a guideline to provide easy-to-implement and effective strategies to increase physical activity in students. (Bagby, & Adams, 2007)

In most schools in the western states(about 80%)there has implementation of the program that seeks to engage pupils in physical activities and recommended nutrition School with high participation in physical activity programs had significantly reduced the risks of their students being obese school districts were more likely to indicate mandatory competitive food policies than rural and suburban . this was explained by the fact that the students there engaged in more vigorous activities than their other counterparts hence reducing the risk of being obese.

There were no differences in policy language between school districts based on race or size. (Metos, & Nanney, 2007) Conclusions: Compliance with the program may be a positive step toward improving the students’ health in general.

It can generally be concluded that obesity in schools can be controlled by controlling the nutrition habits as well as engaging in physical activities. Schools and community partners must continue to work together to strengthen wellness policies


Allensworth, D, Kolbe LJ. (1987). Journal of School Health ;57(10): 409–12. Institute of Medicine. Schools and Health: Our Nation’s Investment. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 1997.

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