Control and muscular endurance

Station One: A shuttle run, this consists of sprinting a distance of 10metres and then back again and continuing this for the period of 1 minute at the highest possible level. This will improve my stamina particularly muscular endurance of leg muscles this exercise is a direct link to football as in football you are constantly needed to sprint. Station Two: This station is a press up exercise. Perform as many as you can in one minute. These will improve muscular endurance in the arm and chest muscles; this comes in handy when strength is needed to win or protect the ball. Station Three: Step-ups is the exercise in this station, in this I will step onto a raised platform putting both feet on then stepping down. This improves stamina and muscular endurance of my leg muscles.

Station Four: The exercise on this station is kick-ups. Do as many as you can in one minute. This will improve ball control, and muscular endurance. Station Five: distance or cones needs to be mentioned On this station I will start at the line, sprint to the first cone then sprint back to the line then sprint to the second cone, then sprint back to the line then sprint to the third cone, then back to the line. Then sprint to the second cone and back then to the first cone and back to complete the exercise. This will improve my speed, agility and muscular endurance of the quadriceps and hamstrings.

Station Six: This station is a sit up exercise. Perform as many as you can in one minute. These will improve muscular endurance in the abdominal muscles; this comes in handy when a throw-in needs to be thrown over a long distance. This is explosive strength because it is done in one explosive movement. Station Seven: Place six cones 1m apart then dribble a ball in and out of them and sprint back to the start, repeat this for 1 minute. This will improve ball skills, speed and agility. Record how many complete runs are done. Friday: This will be a rest day letting my body recover ready to train again! Saturday: still need to do this Sunday: During this day I will play one game of 90 minute football for this I, as well as the whole team does a warm up first and a cool down afterwards this being for safety reasons. Apart from this activity the rest of the day will be used to recover.

Warm Up At the start of each training session I shall conduct a warm up. My warm up should include: A period of gentle exercise using my whole body, for example light jogging. This will gradually increase both heart and breathing, ensure that blood flow to my muscles gradually increases, warm up my muscles and prepare myself mentally for hard work to follow. Gentle stretching. I should work on the joints most likely to be stressed during our main training session.

Safety: Safety is a very important aspect to consider whilst designing and carrying out my program. The main things which I must make sure that I do is to warm up properly first and cool down after, this is to reduce the risks of possible injuries during the session which I will be just about to do and cooling down for future sessions. I must also ensure that the equipment I use is safe and appropriate for what I am doing.

Footwear is a good example of this whilst playing football, football boots must be worn, obviously, whilst playing squash suitable footwear must also be worn. This applies to all aspects of training. Also when playing football shin pads must be worn. Also when training after school I must let my parents know where I am and what time I expect to be back so if something does go wrong they will know where I am. Also I must make sure that if I do get injured during training I stop, as carrying on will cause more harm to the injury. My Warm Up: To start my warm up I will go for a light jog which will last 3 minutes, while I am jogging I will be concentrating on the exercise I am about to do and making sure that all parts of my body are moving. When I have done this I will then move onto my stretching, these are the areas of the body I will need to stretch:

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