Identification and justification of components of fitness important in netball There are a great number of different fitness components needed within in any sport, to make a player as successful as possible. Within my chosen sport, netball, the vital components, along with others, are strength, endurance and speed. Depending on the position the player is put in can depend on the order of importance however all aspects are still used. Speed: Definition; The maximum rate in which, over a certain distance, a person is able to move their body.
In physical performance terms it says speed is coordinated joint actions and whole body movements. Throughout the game of netball speed is used all the time, particularly as a goal defence player as even though I am predominantly a defence player I still cover two thirds of the court and have to run backwards and forwards preventing the other team from gaining access to the ball as much as I can. When running around on court, especially with short outbursts, I use my fast twitch fibres in my legs.
When driving to make an interception speed is initiated. To get ahead of my opponent speed is important. In order to loose my opponent it helps to vary the speed I move at and also the direction I move. Strength: Definition; is the maximum force a muscle or muscle group exerts during a single maximal muscle contraction. There are three types of strength: Elastic strength Maximum strength Strength endurance I will relate the above strengths to my position as a goal defence player in netball
Elastic strength: I will use this sort of strength for short outbursts and drives such as to intercept a pass to the opposition’s goal shooter or goal attack or to receive a pass or mark the opposing team. Maximum strength, this type of strength is needed in such situations as jumping to block a pass or intercepting passes between the opposing team furthermore it can be use to receive a pass from a player on my own team if it is a high pass as if I jump there is more chance I will successfully receive it without it been intercepted.
Also when defending the net when the opposing goal shooter or goal attack are going to shoot I can use this sort of strength to jump in front of them and try to get the ball before it goes into the net. Strength endurance, as a goal defence player I have two thirds of the court to cover and am therefore always on the move trying to keep opposition from scoring or gaining possession of the ball, as I am running around so much this sort of strength is important to help keep fatigue at bay.
All over body strength is essential to me as a netball player, at the level I play, it is divided further into right and left arm/right and left leg and core strength. Research from sports scientists and physiotherapists led to the discovery of core strength. Which is; “The basis for good body control, when you can ‘switch the correct muscles on’ you will have a better base for your movement skills”. It focuses on the internal muscles just above the groin area and has become a vital component of fitness within my training programme.