Communication studies ia breast cancer

Studies have shown that the number of cases of breast cancer amongst women has slightly decreased. However there are many women that are unaware on how they can protect themselves. It is for this reason I have decided to create this dramatic piece to show some of the causes and preventions of breast cancer can be controlled by the woman herself. This piece describes an evening at home, where a younger sibling educating the elder about her habits which can her to develop breast cancer, and that she can try to rectify this before it’s too late. The dramatic piece was chosen because it reflects a situation that occurs in reality.

This play is intended to be performed publically for women above the age of thirty. The purpose of the dramatic piece is to educate women on simple causes of breast cancer, and how they can protect themselves. REFLECTIVE PIECE Breast Cancer: It Can Prevented Scene 1 (It is 8:00pm. Janet is at home looking at the programme ‘The Doctors’. She is currently at the age of 23 and is pursuing the study of medicine and finds the topic being discussed to be very captivating. Joline, Janet’s elder sister is the opposite of her, loves to go clubbing and does not like the world of work.)

Joline: Why u lookin at dese foolish people? Dem eh no nutin. Janet: Girl look here, I looking at it, not you. Your comment is not needed. Joline: Why not? I doh want tuh watch dis set ah good-foh-nutin people wen I could be watchin Grey’s Anatomy. Like you eh see how handsome Patrick Dempsey does look. Now daz ah doctor tuh look at. Janet: And what exactly do you learn from that show? Joline: Hmmm… Leh meh see eh. Well ah know dat Meredith like Derrick, Christina jus in bad luck cuz she cah find ah man and Alex and Izzie married even though she have cancer.

Janet: Speaking of cancer, do you know anything about cancer? Joline: Does it look like I need to know about cancer. Like you ain’tseein dis sexy girl standing here. (Posing for Janet to look at her) Janet: (Ignoring Joline’s awful pose which showed her overlapping tummy) Cancer has nothing to do with how ‘sexy’ you look. Do you even know that many of the things that you do can cause you to develop cancer, and more specifically breast cancer? Joline: (Irritated now) Wait! Wait! Before yuh start pointinfingures, try n look at yuhselffusna.

Janet: I take care of my well-being so that’s why I can tell you about what you are doing. Joline: And wat exactly do I do dat is so bad for me? Janet: Take no offence but I’m just telling you from what I have observed over the past years. Well, to start, you choice of nutrition is one of the main problems. Joline: Wah wrong tuh my food? Janet: The amount of greasy food you consume is too much! This can lead to obesity! When you are obese, your body produces more of the hormones that fuel the development of cancer. Joline: So you sayindat my KFC and Church’s Chicken not good?

Janet: You can eat those things but very rarely. To make things worse, you don’t exercise. This also leads to the build-up of excess body fat. Joline: You tellin me I fat! Girl wat wrong tuh you? Way yuh go tell meh bout again? Gointuh de clubs? Drinkin? Smokin? Wat else? Janet: In fact, those are other factors that increase the risk of breast cancer. Do you know that your age can increase your risk of breast cancer, and from this time in life you should do a regular check-up at the doctor just for security? Joline: So you tellin me I old?

(Mr.Persad, Janet and Joline’s father, walks into the living room) Joline: Daddy you believe Janet tellin me I fat an ole! Mr. Persad: (Looking at Janet inquiringly) Joline I’m sure Janet is tellin you this for some reason. Joline: No daddy. She jus jealous dat she cah go out like me n cuz she doh no how tuh party lik me. Mr. Persad: You know she can go out as much as she likes. Or is it that you’re offended by what she is saying? Joline: Me? Offended? Never! Janet: Daddy, all I was telling her was about some of her habits and how they can contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Joline: She outta place an outta timin! (Storms out to the kitchen) Mr. Persad: I know what you’re telling her is the right thing. She will figure it out eventually. (Janet continues watching her programme on television) (Exit everyone) (Four months later) Scene 2 (Janet is in her bedroom studying for an upcoming examination. Joline had just arrived home and is now presenting Janet with some documents. Janet looks at the papers. She is speechless. ) Joline: (Saddened by what she has discovered, tears welling up in her eyes) I’m so sorry I yelled at you.

I should have listened, (Tears trickling down her cheeks) and done something. You were only trying to help me. Janet: Joline you still have your life ahead of you. Now you just have to be careful and change some of your habits. (Joline leaves her bedroom and Janet continues studying) (Joline’s monologue to the audience) I am only 37 and I have breast cancer. Why was I so stubborn? Why? (Crying) If only I had stopped the smoking… the drinking… eating all that greasy food… and exercised just two or three times for the week… only for half an hour. That not so hard… If only….

Look at my friends, they controlled their way of living and they’re fine. They did everything I didn’t do. (Subbing) Anyone can get breast cancer. You don’t even need a family history of it. Most of the times, it all depends on what you do. (Tears trickle down her face as she makes her exit) ANALYTICAL SECTION For this section I have chosen to analyse my reflective entry entitled “Breast Cancer: It Can Be Prevented”. The reflective section is a dramatic piece set in a home in Princes Town, where Jane is educating her elder sibling about the causes of breast cancer.

Throughout, a variety of dialects are used, as well as, language registers. Both elements are used to suit the setting and situation being presented. The setting of the living room at home is an informal one. Janet and Joline, although being siblings, do not speak with familiarity and intimacy, which indicates that they are not close. Even though the setting is an informal one, both the formal and casual registers are used. By the use of these two registers the gap in the relationship between the siblings is made known, as well as, an informative tone rather than a conversational one.

Janet’s use of the formal register shows her seriousness about what she is relating to Joline. Mr. Persad used a semi-formal tone which makes the piece friendlier. Throughout scene one Joline uses the informal register. Dialectal variation refers to the spoken and written differences in the use of language within a community. In the dramatic piece variations of Standard English were used. The acrolect was used by Janet, the mesolect by Mr. Persad and the basilect by Joline. Janet’s use of the acrolect maintains her seriousness about educating Joline. For instance, “Speaking of cancer, do you know anything about cancer?

” The structure of her sentences, questions and phrases show her level of education as well as her use of Erudite English. For example, “The amount of greasy food you consume is too much! This can lead to obesity! When you are obese, your body produces more of the hormones that fuel the development of cancer. ” On the other hand, Joline’s use of the basilect and Rasta English sets a lighter atmosphere and makes the piece friendlier. It shows her level of education and that she really doesn’t like the world of work. An example of Joline’s use of the basilect is, “She outta place an outta timin!

” Apart from education, Joline’s choice of using the basilect variation says that she has pride in her Caribbean language, whilst Janet’s adoption of Standard English can be a sign of her lack of confidence and pride in her mother tongue. However, in scene two, Joline switches to the formal register when she realises the seriousness of the situation. It conveys how important cancer is, and that individuals should pay attention to it. These two elements help to accomplish my purpose as they add meaning to the piece and make it friendlier for the audience.

Cancer is very common among people of all ages. There are many different types of cancer and certain ones affect certain ages more. Among older people there are certain cancers that affect their age group more than others. One cancer …

There are many different types of breast cancer. For example, breast cancer can begin in different areas of the breast like the ducts, the lobules, or in some cases, the tissue in between. In this essay I will explain the …

There are many different types of breast cancer. For example, breast cancer can begin in different areas of the breast like the ducts, the lobules, or in some cases, the tissue in between. In this essay I will explain the …

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. * * Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. * Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will …

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