Breast Cancer Paper

Cancer is very common among people of all ages. There are many different types of cancer and certain ones affect certain ages more. Among older people there are certain cancers that affect their age group more than others. One cancer that affects older adults more than any other age group is breast cancer. Breast cancer can both occur in men and women it is rare for a man to get breast cancer.

*Gender- women are at a higher risk for breast cancer.
*Age- Breast cancer is more commonly found in women ages +
*Family history- More common in people that have had close family members with the disease. *History of breast cancer- Someone who has had this cancer before is more likely to get it again. *Race- white women are more likely to get breast cancer than other races. *Dense breast tissue- Women with more gland tissue and less fat tissue. *Not having children/children later in life- Women who do not have children or have children after age 30 have a greater risk for breast cancer *Birth control pills- women who use birth control pills have a slightly greater risk for breast cancer. *Using hormone therapy after menopause.

*Not breast feeding – breast feeding slightly lowers the risk for breast cancer. *Alcohol- Alcohol use is clearly linked to high ring your risk of getting breast cancer. *overweight- Being overweight or obese is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer. *Lack of exercise- Exercise reduces the risk of breast cancer.

We have been taught and are reminded frequently by public service announcements and by the medical community that when a woman discovers a lump on her breast she should go to the doctor immediately. Some women who have inflammatory breast …

Every day in American a women is diagnosed with breast cancer. The earlier breast cancer is detected the better chances a women has for survival. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breast tissue or underarm lymph …

Cancer occurs when cells in a certain area of the body begin to divide at a rather rapid pace (cancer. org). Cancer cells grow differently than normal cells. Normally old cells die off and are replaced with new ones. Cancer …

Many women do not take breast cancer or cervical cancer serious, by getting screened, until the disease has begun to develop or has spread. Cervical cancer use to be the main cause of deaths caused by cancer for women, but …

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