Clinical tests

All of us, each of us, are interested in living in the world without violence and cruelty, to not be afraid to test them on ourselves. And whether you know, that annually millions experimental animals suffer and die in research laboratories? They are burnt, scalded, poisoned and starved, they are subject to torture by electric discharges and addicted to drugs; they are subject to impact of the low temperatures close to a freezing point, they contained since birth in full darkness and infected by such diseases, as a cancer, diabetes, mouth infections, stomach ulcer, syphilis, herpes, AIDS.

From them surgically delete eyes, they are caused with brain damages and fractures. In a course of military researches animals are poisoned with gas, cyanic compounds, shot with plastic bullets. The vivisection (experiments on alive animals) takes the beginning in XVII century and represents for today one of the most black spots on conscience of mankind because severe experiments on animals continue to conduct in the increasing scales. The problem of experiments with animals rises constantly and has old roots.

For example, the first president of the French society of vivisection opponents was Victor Gjugo, who, on the invitation to become the president of Society has answered so: ” the vivisection is a crime; the human race should renounce this barbarity! ” (Tyson) Now even physicians put necessity of experiments on animals under doubt. Doctor Vernon Koulman, a member of the Royal medical society, writes: “I cannot recollect any significant success in medicine which would be result of experiments on animals. How many millions animals more should be brought in victims before we shall refuse useless and barbarous practice of experiments on animals?

” (Tyson) The medical products received by experiments on animals, not only did not reduce parameters of death rate from various diseases, but also were harmful to the human. The modern medicine counts up to 150 preparations passed numerous tests on animals, successfully put up in production and appeared dangerous to the human. The overwhelming majority (85 %) of experiments on animals, which have been conducted during last 100 years, fall for the period since 1950. However, despite average life expectancy for this period practically has not changed, the number of chronic diseases continues to grow.

The USA occupies 19 place on a death rate from 32 countries, though experiments on animals (from 65 up to 100 million animals one year!) here are very popular (ASPCA). Results of experiments on animals are wrongful for transferring on the human because of difference of physiological and anatomic features, speed and character of metabolic processes. Among experts there is popular opinion, that the experimental medicine and medicamentous treatment cannot be considered, as a unique and basic way of recovery.

These methods result in decrease and loss of protective forces of organism, its natural immunity, pollute the environment of an organism, and at the same time source of disease is not eliminated. The alternative to medicamentous medicine is naturopathic, preventive medicine basing on centuries-old observations of the human being, on experience of doctors of the East. Other alternative – homeopathy based on creation at people immunity, which successfully copes with the majority of diseases. Both naturopathy and homeopathy do not require experiments on animals. (Ryder)

Before appearance on chemist’s counters, preparations pass numerous tests on animals within 10-15 years with the purpose of studying late influences on an organism. At a stage of clinical tests 80 % of preparations are discarded and only 20 % are considered suitable for the use. Not only medical products tested on animals, but also hygienic and cosmetic remedies, building and the packing materials, the new compounds received by the industry. Animals breathe in fumes of substances which concentration so is great, that the most part of animals dies, having poisoned. (ASPCA)

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