Chronic physical diseases

“Process is a dynamic term denoting change” (Rogers, 2001, p. 57). Change is the central feature of process but it is important to note that this does not mean strictly linear change. Change is inherent in relationships (Brenner, 1995). Every interaction between variables affects some change in each of the interacting variables which may in turn interact with one another broadening the circle of change. Healing can be conceptualized as a process from illness to health but this oversimplifies the amount of change that healing represents.

Benner (1995) used an example that illustrate some of the complexity of this process. The disease, diabetes, has particular functional deficits but the process of the disease varies widely. Psychological stress can increase the need for insulin and this stress can be caused by fears generated by being diagnosed as diabetic and having fears related to prior knowledge about the disease. To carry the example further lack of knowledge could also contribute to stress, perhaps with a fear of loss of control.

An increased need for insulin could relate to a variety of stresses mediated by the personal interpretation of these stresses. Stress is only one of the many variables that interact with a disease or healing process. Human existence always includes involvement in the world (Colaizzi, 1998). Interaction with the complex world is inevitable and with interaction there is change. Human existence implies process. Traditional research often misses the process element of human existence since this element does not easily lend itself to statistical analysis.

In recent years methods such as phenomenology have been used to attempt to understand processes. Before this study the healing process had not been explored. Therefore, there is little in the literature that specifically addresses process in healing. It might be useful to examine a statement introducing the findings of this study. “The experience of healing as experienced by these nine participants was an active, involving process with movement toward achieving balance and wholeness and the individuals evolving beyond the place they started prior to surgery.

” This statement captures the experience of healing and is clearly a statement of process. For research, healing as described by the participants is a complex process that is very difficult to operationalize. It would be useful to discover whether the experiences of these patients are similar to the experiences of a wider population of post-surgical patients (larger numbers, with differing socioeconomic status, culture and ages), as well as the experience of individuals recovering from other diseases.

That is, do people who have chronic physical diseases, alcoholism or psychological problems a similar healing experience to post-surgical patients? This might be accomplished by doing a similar study which each of these groups or by interviewing members of each of these groups with more structured questions relating to the specific themes of this study.

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