Chlamydia & Sexually transmitted

Sexually transmitted diseases are very rampant nowadays. These diseases are usually caused by microbiological organisms that target the reproductive system of the women. Chlamydia is a disease that comes from the bacteria, Chlamydia trachomatis. This bacteria is known to be a gram negative bacilli and is said to be obligate, intra-cellular and non-motile (Health Canada, January 23, 2001). The signs Chlamydia has on its victims are usually mild, and symptoms are not visible in any manner. For this, the infection can grow in the patient’s body for days, weeks, and even months without being noticed.

Although symptoms are not really visible, the women usually experience certain signs that are attributed to the said disease. Some of these include a discharge from the vagina, irritation, and pains are experienced in the lower part of the abdomen. In addition to this, a burning sensation is felt by the patient during urination (Hirsch, August 2007). In 2006, it was estimated that 1,030,911 people from the United States were infected with the said disease. This may be attributed to the fact that the symptoms of Chlamydia are not visible in the initial phase of the disease.

Since Chlamydia is considered as a sexually transmitted disease, it can infect an individual with oral, vaginal, and sexual intercourse. A sexually active individual may increase his risk of being infected with Chlamydia as the number of partners also increases. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 20, 2007). Women are also more prone to the said disease primarily because the opening in women are relatively bigger than those in men. With the rampant technological advancements, it is relatively easy to say that Chlamydia is curable. With a few medications, the bacteria is treated.

Normally, the treatment for Chlamydia involves different kinds of antibiotics. Azithromycin (Zithromax) may be given as a single dose, with a dosage of 1 gram per tablet. Other medications are used as an alternative for Azithromycin, but these may cost more than the regular ones. An antibiotic considered as alternative is Doxycycline (Vibramycin), which is administered orally, and given twice a day for seven days. This usually comes in tablet form, and is distributed in 100 mg dosages (Medicine Net, June 19, 2008). Although several treatments have been discovered for the said disease, prevention is still the best option for individuals.

As a sexually transmitted disease, the best way to prevent contamination is by not having sexual intercourse. In the event that sexual intercourse is not avoided, it is also possible for sexual partners to use contraceptives, such as a condom to avoid the spread of the said disease. The condom is made of latex, that is thick enough to prevent the actual spread of Chlamydia; especially when the sexual partner is infected (Hirsch, August 2007). Chlamydia, as a sexually transmitted disease, is also known to be the primary cause of Gonorrhea.

Upon infection, the symptoms do not really become visible. Sometimes, these may take days, weeks, and even months before the extent of damage is seen. When left untreated, Chlamydia may be the primary cause of the Pelvie Inlfammatory Disease (PID) in women. This disease is caused by the spread of the infection to the fallopian tubes and the uterus of a female patient. When left untreated, this may lead to the permanent damage of the reproductive system that may eventually lead to an ectopic pregnancy in women (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 20, 2007).

Diagnosis is done the simple way, wherein a swab of the discharge coming from the cervix is taken, and sent for analysis in the laboratory. The men, on the other hand, take the culture swab from the tip of the penis, and sometimes even in the anus. Urine test is also another way of detecting the presence of Chlamydia in both men and women. The urine sample is sent to the laboratory for further analysis (Mayo Clinic Staff, April 18, 2007).

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