Chinese medicine

The focal point of the research would be to look into the aspects of Chinese medicine and its application to the malady of infertility. To achieve this goal the mode of operation would be to look into several books and scriptures that deal with the subject of infertility and its cure in accordance to Chinese medicinal approach. There would also be interviews of patients who took the help of Chinese medicine and a qualitative approach would be taken to formulate the result. 2. Thesis questions

The fundamental thesis question would be to research and find out the importance of Chinese medicine in curing infertility. It would also be measured whether this form of treatment is effective or not. Furthermore would be research whether there are any side effects or not. 3. Main topics There would be thorough research on literature for evidence of systematic Chinese medicines that are related to the treatment of infertility. Next there would be a series of interviews based on qualitative research on patients suffering from infertility and have tried Chinese medicines as remedies.

Lastly there would be a formulated research procedure that would ultimately result in the answering of the fundamental research questions. 4. Expected outcomes At this initial stage it is difficult to state the outcome but there is an assumption that the final result would indicate that the treatment of Chinese medicines could be well successful in curing infertility. (Ni, 34)But for the moment it could be stated that this form of treatment appears to be holistic in nature and it can well be conceptualized and formulated into modern medical terms and applied more effectively. (Holland, 122) 5. Bibliography

A number of literary texts would be used for the purpose of research and the first and foremost in the list would be Porkert’s The Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine. This book was published in the 1970’s but it provides a deep insight into the fundamental aspects of Chinese medicine. Next is Scheid’s Chinese Medicine in Contemporary China: Plurality and Synthesis and this too is an important text because it not only discusses the fundamentality of the Chinese medicinal usage but it also deals with the modern application of this form of treatment and infertility holds a major part of the discussion.

Unschuld’s Medicine in China: A History of Ideas, however, is a documentation of philosophical approach and historical significance of the treatment along with methods but the book is invaluable because it’s approach into the psychological aspects of the disease and for infertility this is very important. Holland’s Voices of Qi: An Introductory Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine covers a panorama of approaches and infertility is one of them. All these books are essential for the research and a good amount of help would be available from these texts. 6. Result

The aspects of Chinese medicine are still widely misunderstood thus it is important to structuralize the teachings of this treatment and present in a formulated manner for wide acceptance. This is important because if the ancient techniques of treating infertility can be termed as successful then with modern technology and know how this technique can be developed and excelled. (Kaptchuck, 117) Under such circumstances it would be more effective and Chinese medicines would no longer be considered as alternative treatment but a treatment of the mainstream, at least in the parameters of infertility.

References & Bibliography:

Porkert, Manfred, The Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine, MIT Press, 1974 Scheid, Volker, Chinese Medicine in Contemporary China: Plurality and Synthesis; Duke University Press, 2002 Unschuld, Paul U. , Medicine in China: A History of Ideas; University of California Press, 1985 Holland, Alex Voices of Qi: An Introductory Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine; North Atlantic Books, 2000 Ni, Mao-Shing, The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine: A New Translation of the Neijing Suwen with Commentary; Shambhala, 1995 Kaptchuck, Ted J. , The Web That Has No Weaver; Congdon & Weed; 2000

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