Like any other surgery plastic surgery has certain risks. The risks may develop in association with the administration of anesthesia and/or with relation to the healing process (ASAPS, 2007). The general health of the patient also plays a very important role during the surgery and in the healing. To some extent, the chances of complications can be reduced by use of modern technology and the skill or experience of plastic surgeons.
However, the chances are complications are still realistically present, and performance of surgery in situations where it is not required should not be done. Some of the complications that can develop in association with the use of the anesthetic agent include abnormal heart beats, difficulty in breathing, blood clots, heart attacks, damage to the nerves, permanent brain damage (due to a severe drop in the blood supply), strokes, paralysis (temporary), malignant hyperthermia (rise in the body temperature), etc.
The complications that can develop related to the surgery include a drop in the blood pressure, infection, excessive bleeding, deep vein thrombosis, degeneration of the skin, delayed wound healing, collection of fluid beneath the skin, excessive scarring etc. Infection can develop in about 1 % cases following the surgery (Smart Plastic Surgeon, 2002). The rate of post-surgical infection has been brought down following use of antimicrobial agents. However, there are chances that the individual develop serious forms of infection in spite of administration of antimicrobial agents.
Individuals who consume certain drugs (such as steroids), or who are affected with certain medical conditions (such as diabetes mellitus or malnutrition) are at a higher risk of developing infection. The chances of the skin degenerating in the treated area are also realistically high in those affected with infection (Smart Plastic Surgeon, 2002). Breast augmentation is a procedure performed to reshape and contour the breasts. It is also done to increase its size by insertion of implants. Many teenage girls undergo breast implantation surgery to increase the size of their breasts and to achieve perfection.
They often have utopic expectations. However, it is important that the individual does not have too high expectations with the procedure. It may be able to achieve some amount of improvement in the appearance, but near perfect results are impossible. Besides, a lot depends on individual factors. One of the common problems that can develop following breast augmentation is capsular contraction, in which the scar tissue that forms around the implant gets contracted and compresses it. This makes the breast to feel hard.
Often the individual may require a second surgery to treat this complication (ASPS, 2007). Many girls feel the need that they may have to increase the size of their breasts during the high school period. However, it is important to consider the fact the girl’s body is still in the process of maturing between the ages of 16 to 21. Once, the girl crosses this period, the need for breast augmentation surgery may not be felt. Studies and growth chart patterns suggest that the girl is likely to gain weight during the late teenage period.