American Society of Plastic Surgeons

At the moment long-term studies have not determined the risk of breast augmentation in adolescents. There was a sudden increase in the number of breast augmentation surgery during the 2002 to 2003 period, following the FDA’s approval. However, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons had to step in and suggest caution on the performance of the procedure (Zuckermann, D. , 2005). A study had observed that the risk of committing suicide was 4 times higher in women who had augmented breasts than those who had other forms of plastic surgery (Zuckermann, D. , 2005).

There are several complications associated with the Breast augmentation. Several complications such as infection, excessive bleeding, hematoma, scar formation, delayed wound healing, loss of sensation in the operated area, capsular contractures, etc, can develop. The chances of one of these complications occurring in the next thee years is very high. Usually, the implant lasts for about 10 years only, and the further surgeries are required throughout lfie to ensure that the breasts are maintained in proper shape, contour and size.

This can create a lot of inconveniences. Women often require mammography every few years in order to monitor for cancer. Breast implants can seriously hamper with the images produced from mammography. Problems can also be experienced during breastfeeding (Zuckermann, D. , 2005). Liposuction is a procedure that involves removing the excessive fat present in several areas of the body such as the hips, abdomen, buttock, thighs, and cheeks. If the individual requires removal of large amounts of fat, the duration of surgery may be longer, and associated blood loss can be severe.

Besides, several other complications such as excessive fluid loss from the body, formation of clots or dispersion of fat into the blood, development of frictional burns, etc, can also occur. The skin and the nerves may get damaged. The clots and the dispersed fat may travel to the main artery through which blood enters the lungs (pulmonary artery), and block the blood flow through it. This results in a serious condition known as ‘pulmonary embolism’.

The individual experiences severe chest pain, difficulty in breathing, and rapid heart beat. Although this complication rarely occurs in teenagers following surgery, the physician may advise some individuals to take certain precautions (Mayo Clinic, 2005). Excessive fluids and blood lost during the surgery can result in shock due to decreased supply of blood to the brain and other vital organs. The chances of fatal outcomes following severe blood loss during surgery was increased to 8 times (Karkouti, K. Et al, 2004).

Liposuction can also cause destruction of the surrounding skin (leading to degeneration of the skin, pigmentation and burns), nerves (leading to loss of sensations or paraesthesia) and accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Liposuction requires administration of anesthesia during the procedure to make the individual comfortable. However, sometimes, the amount of anesthesia administered may be very high leading to lignocaine toxicity. The complications that can develop from this condition include dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, seizures, rise in the blood pressure and rarely death (Bukbirwa, H. Et al, 1999).

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