Cell’s DNA

Chlorinated water damages our body’s enzymes, creates magnesium deficiency, and destroys human protein, which causes adverse effects on the skin and hair. Other results from its use are heart attacks and strokes. Avoid chlorinated water at all times. Ozone is the better alternative. Research studies on formaldehyde show it as another health risk to those that reside or work in structures with measurable levels. It’s also been found to be one of many indoor air contaminants. Formaldehyde is cancer causing and known carcinogen.

Some sources of formaldehyde are synthetic materials, new carpeting, drapes, wood cabinets, furniture, insulation, and glue used in particleboard or plywood. Formaldehyde is in thousands of products bought daily. In pharmaceuticals and vaccines formaldehyde is know as formalin. There are many medical treatments and anti-cancer drugs used to treat cancer that will actually cause cancer. Synthetic drugs are human cell killers, which destroy our needed enzymes to function. Avoid drugs like Estradiol-17, Estrone, Ethinylestradiol and Mestranol.

These Estrogens are carcinogenic. The damage done by an unsuccessful course of chemotherapy treatments is so great that the immune system never recovers. Laetrile destroys cancer cells, is nontoxic to normal cells, and is the safer chemotherapeutic agent. Avoid all irradiated foods. Benzene is formed in all foods after large doses of radiation and it decreases vitamin B1 content. Both benzene and radiation are known carcinogens. Beneficial claims of irradiation are more imaginary than real.

Cancer Causing Chemicals and Agents in Personal Care Products Ingredients in your cosmetics and personal care products like after-shave, air freshener, baby powder, cologne, creams, deodorants, dishwashing liquid soaps, disinfectant spray, dryer sheets, fabric softener, hair coloring products, hairspray, laundry detergents, lipstick, makeup, mouthwash, nail color and remover, shampoo, shaving cream, soaps, softeners, sunscreen, toothpaste, or anything that contains artificial fragrance may contain cancer causing chemical agents.

All of which is directly absorbed through the skin and then into the blood. Some chemicals found in scented products from an EPA study in 1991 are: acetone, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate (carcinogenic), benzyl alcohol, camphor, ethanol, ethyl acetate, limonene (carcinogenic), linalool, methylene chloride (carcinogenic), apinene, gterpinene, and a-terpineol. The chemicals used in your daily products may not all be cancer causing chemicals but that does not mean they are not at great risk to your health.

Some effects from the above list can be abdominal pain, coma (severe exposures), confusion, cough, death (severe exposures), depression, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, impaired vision, coordination, irritability, irritation to the mouth, throat, eyes, skin, lungs, nausea, liver or kidney damage, nausea, slurred speech, shortness of breath, tingling, and vomiting. Those with asthmatic or breathing problems from smoking are more at risk. Recent testing shows 1, 4-Dioxane has been found in children’s bubble bath, body wash and many other products.

Melamine is the latest cancer causing agents found in pet food. The FDA does not review or regulate cosmetics products or ingredients for safety because they have no legal authority. They can only make suggestions or recommendations about cosmetic products or their ingredients, which the manufacturers do not have to always follow. Currently there are over 800 chemicals listed from known to probable or possible cancer causing chemicals or agents. Cancer Causing Carcinogens

Chemical agents and compounds that impair cellular respiration are carcinogens. Oxygen deficiency at the cellular level is the cause of cancer. What Is a Carcinogen? Cancer is caused by abnormalities in a cell’s DNA (its genetic “blueprint”). These may be inherited from parents, or they may be caused by outside exposures to the body such as chemicals, radiation, or even infectious agents. Substances that can cause changes that can lead to cancer are called carcinogens.

Some carcinogens do not act on DNA directly, but lead to cancer in other ways, such as causing cells to divide at a faster rate, which could increase the chances that DNA changes will occur. Carcinogens do not cause cancer in every case, all the time. Substances classified as carcinogens may have different levels of cancer-causing potential. Some may cause cancer only after prolonged, high levels of exposure. And for any particular person, the risk of developing cancer depends on many factors, including the length and intensity of exposure to the carcinogen and the person’s genetic makeup.

References • http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/21299632/ • http://www. michigancancer. org/PDFs/MichBCCCPNews/MichBCCCPNewsl-April06. pdf • http://www. michigancancer. org/PDFs/MichBCCCPNews/MichBCCCPNewsl-Oct03. pdf • http://caonline. amcancersoc. org/cgi/content/full/53/1/5 • http://www. dhss. delaware. gov/dph/dpc/files/irrpt071707. txt • http://caonline. amcancersoc. org/cgi/content/full/53/1/5 • www. healthyarkansas. com/arkcancer/publications/GISACCRPresentation2005Website. ppt (copy and paste it )

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