Career Path of a Surgeon

Introduction The career path as a surgeon is a physician who specialises in a specific treatment of injury, disease, or deformity through operations. Surgeon’s correct physical deformities, repair bone and tissue after certain impairment, or perform defensive surgeries on patients with a major disease or disorder. The changing nature of surgeons has changed in expeditious manner during the past 20-30 years and yet is still planning to change dramatically over the future.

The job demands of a surgeon keep increasing due to having such a large population, as the population grows the demands of surgeons will only increase as the population increases. There are 32 different major types of surgeons some of them include: Brain Surgeon, Cardiac Surgeon, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Brain Surgeon, Colon and Rectal Surgeon and a Cosmetic Surgeon. The demand of nursing Training to become a graduated surgeon lengths from 6-10 years of formal education and workplace training.

Even after all formal training is completed ongoing extensive reading is a high priority so that new skills and procedures are developed every day. The technology and methods have changed rapidly to improve the health care system in hospitals for guaranteed results of effectiveness throughout all surgeries, efficiency and improvement for all patients in employees in workplace. Ways in which people participate Employment through the health sciences industry can vary between part time or full time. Many surgeons work, long, perculiar hours. Over one third of full-time surgeons worked over 60 hours in one week in the year of 2004.

Whereas, only eight percent of all surgeons worked part time, compared with 16% of other occupations. Surgeons have to travel frequently between office and the hospital to care for their patients. On call surgeons deal with several different patients concerns via telephone and may have to take emergency visits to hospitals, nursing homes or a patients home. Volunteer work is offered to surgeons after graduating as well as while doing the degree for hands on experience to get signed off, you must have a large quantity of hours to graduate from the degree.

Having a full time job as a surgeon means that you have extremely long hours while working a five day week, if necessary you will be placed on a weekend or public holiday shift. Surgeons do not have a say in their shifts and they are placed automatically on a non-negotiable manner. Figure 1. 1 Education Requirements Entry Requirements In order to become a registered surgeon, studying formally at University will gain a guaranteed entry into the surgeon industry. To further into University after schooling you must have a completion of SACE.

Degree courses in South Australia for Surgeons include: Degree Course: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery, 6 years full time Adelaide University, Pre requisites to get into this degree is to do either one of the following three lessons throughout secondary school, the three options are: Biology, Chemistry or Mathematical Studies. Beforehand, a police check is necessary to conduct clearance of history and law rights. In 1950, the Royal College of Surgeons of England which is located in London to offer surgeons a formal declaration of completion.

The title ‘mister’ became the badge of honour, and after someone graduated from medical school with a high degree of ‘MBBS’ or ‘MB CHB’ in certain countries they are then called a ‘Doctor. ’ Four years further that of workplace training they would formally be called a ‘Surgeon. ’ The training has always been high to become a surgeon because it is such a high level and dangerous job, you can either save or risk clients lives and surgeons need to know what they are doing while being confident at it. Employee Participation

Females have a lower rate of employment comparing to males, whereas females have a higher rate in certain aspects of the medical industry such as midwifing and nursing. Referring to the statistic graph below figure 1. 1. This was developed in 2006 and shows the shared employment (percentage) for both genders, statistics include both full and part time compared with otheroccupations. The surgery industry is a male dominated and a lot of employers believe women can’t handle the job due to high stress level in comparison to what males can.

Women are trying to fight this ridiculous sexist and make it an equal opportunity for both genders. However, it will happen in duration of time. The results show that in 2006 males had 67. 8 of fulltime jobs, whereas women had a small amount of 11. 3% Figure 1. 2. | Job growth is expected to expand throughout the future years especially in 2014 due to the health care is extended to expand at a rapid rate. Referring to figure 1. 2. Below the statistics show the historical employment rates in a hundred thousand figures.

Figure 1. 3. The graph shows that in 2000 the employment rate for surgeons was at 23,000 and in 2009 increased rapidly to 64,000. Whereas, in 2011 the rate dropped back down to 56,000. The employment rates are always a surprise but due to population and more health care needed the rates are guaranteed to increase. The role of OHS&W in the workplace Occupation Health Safety and Welfare stands for (OHS&W. ) OHS&W helps protect the safety and welfare of employees in their workplace. OHS&W in the medical industry includes

* Including and providing information, training, instruction and supervision to all employees * Providing needed rescources to allow the effective efficiency and implementation of the specific safety management systemand to certify that programs are booked for all workplaces to be tested and accessed for OHS risks before commencing to work * The implantation of surgeons with employees and health and safety representative to effectively communicate regarding workplace health and safety manners. Medical science industry is very serious and cautious about the safety and health of employees and patients.

Safety meausurements are taken to a high precaution to minimise health threats. If high OHS&W rules are not followed high punishments are conducted to the hospital. Impact of technology Technology in the medical science industry has enhanced over the past 50 years and still has major plans to occur over the future to enhance the safety. Cameras are now used to view inside a patients body live whereas 50 years ago they had to use an x-ray every time and could only follow through the x-ray to proceed.

They have proceeded also technology to enhance life when the heart beat has dropped. Whereas, fifty years ago it could only occur with CPR through hands and mouth to mouth. Technology will continue enhancing to improve efficient safety devices to improve health and safety of both patients and employees. Transferrable skills To be great in the medical science industry as a surgeon you need these certain personal qualitys: * good communication skills * self-confidence * conscientiousness

* able to relate to people * compassionate towards others * enjoy working with people * a high degree of motivation and self-discipline. The skills that you achieve from working in the industry are as follows: * Work as part of a team: you will need to work in a large team of medical staff and link with other professions such as physiotherapists to discuss patients. * Organisation Skills: from this profession even though you may have great skills they still improve.

* Answer health advice and communicate instructions: communicate with both patients and staff, ability to give advice and reassurance to patients as well as staff. Develop skills? Why will it be useful to me? Conclusion In conclusion, …………………………………………………………….. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. http://www. myplan. com/careers/surgeons/description-29-1067. 00. html Internet Website, My Plan, Surgeons, visited 5/02/13 [ 2 ]. http://www. careernav. com. au/career-finder/profiles/surgeon/573 Internet Website, CareerNav, Surgeon, visited 5/02/13.

[ 3 ]. http://www. myplan. com/careers/surgeons/articles-29-1067. 00. html? art=3 Internet Website, My Plan, Surgeons, visited 13/02/13 [ 4 ]. Mr Paul Leong , General Surgeon Phone Interview, called 15/02/13 [ 5 ]. http://joboutlook. gov. au/pages/occupation. aspx? search=&tab=stats&cluster=&code=2535 Internet Website, [ 6 ]. ‘SATAC University Guide,’ South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre 2013 [ 7 ]. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Surgeon ‘Wikipedia,’ ‘Surgeon’ 10/02/13, visited 12/02/12 [ 8 ].

http://www. ncbi. nlm. ‘Women Surgeons,’ 2008 December, date visited 11/02/12 [ 9 ]. http://joboutlook. gov. au/pages/occupation. aspx? search=&tab=stats&cluster=&code=2535 Figure 1. 2. ‘Gender Percent Share,’ Australia Government, visited 12/02/13 [ 10 ]. http://joboutlook. gov. au/pages/occupation. aspx? search=&tab=stats&cluster=&code=2535 Figure 1. 3. ‘Employment Levels,’ Australia Government, visited 12/02/13 [ 11 ]. http://www. safework. sa. gov. au/uploaded_files/gs7i. pdf Internet Website, Safeguards, OHS&W, visited 14/02/12.

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