Care can be defined as the burdened state of mind rising from heavy responsibilities, mental suffering or grief, an object or source of worry attention or solicitude, the caution of avoiding harm or danger, a close attention; painstaking application, watchful oversight a charge or supervision There are two types or examples of care high and low care.
For instance Bestowing Knowledge Under conditions of high care where member mutually accessible and relate to each other in lenient helpful and attentive ways, the individual is not left alone to develop knowledge on how to solve problems since help is need and if the problem is not solved to satisfaction there is concession to attain the common solution to that persistent problem hence gain of experience and efficiency in solving problems improves.
The importance of high care is that it facilitates the complimentary relationship among the individuals, it develops trustworthiness among the members, it increases production by improved experience and being more creative through individual observation and thinking, finally it has an epistemological status with the intimacy of the operations. The negativity of this kind of care is that it is not such easy to consistently pursue knowledge using this kind of care simply because it is based on the implicit understanding of a need to help or to get help.
Secondly, the activity of getting help demands a significant amount of power and commitment to colleagues when acquiring such kind of care. Thirdly, care can be misused as the strategy of over-helping and ignore your personal need by taking others to your own party. In addition too much care can push for agreements. This can also lead to manipulative politics. High care can lead to motivation of learned helplessness in individuals if they are always cared for without caring others.
The second example is Transacting Knowledge under conditions of low care where an individual is forced to follow certain protocols hence conveying their clear and unambiguous way. Secondly an individual can not get expect help from others to find the most suitable means of expression of their individual care into knowledge development this leads to little independence and no favors hence having a genuine personal experience. Thirdly there is no time to explore new individual ideas thus think straight and talk straight is excellently achieved.
Then lastly bureaucracy established expertise and regulates the flow of knowledge. The negativity point of view are such as individuals make conflicting claims about care of knowledge basing on their own personal experiences, the accessibility of knowledge gain and experience gain is limited, Social knowledge develops under time constraints thus no time to engage in an interactive process of dialogue that is needed to make tacit knowledge explicit.
1. Care in knowledge creation, Calfornia Management Review 40(3) (1998) By Von Krogh, Goerge. 2. The knowledge creating Company (1995) By Nonaka, Ikujiro, Takeuchi.