Cardiovascular diseases

If the stress is left untreated for so long then it will lead to cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorder and also psychological disorders which will affect the body and the functioning of the body will be disrupted meaning no work will be done. The more the mind is overloaded then the performance will be affected the more because such a mind will be in strain and therefore such a person will find it hard to work as the mind is tired and therefore it becomes hard to connect so that one can come up with something constructive. (Cottrell, 2001)

To reduce the negative impact of stress one should have look on how to function within the work setting this means that in any work that one is given then it becomes possible for such a person to overcome stress as he or she will work targeting the setting that is before him or her and therefore no stress will be experienced. When one learns to relax then this will improve the sleep and be able to reduce the stress related physical pain like the headaches therefore one should be willing to relax so that the mind can be fresh from the problems that take place in the work.

A rational, controlled and sensitive approach is needed so that the stress can be well dealt with at the work place this is because the interrelationships are very complex and therefore it is not possible to break through using the aggressive means. To have the friends and relatives that are useful in articulating the worries and negative feelings helps such a person to have a fresh look and know how to manage stress in his or her life and therefore it becomes easy for that person to know what to do so that stress can be done away with.

It is good to avoid things like alcohol that might cause stress this is because if these drugs are taken then the rate of stress is increased and also it is advisable to have a reflection of the day work rather than having worries on the future work this is because if one gets worried of what to be done then it becomes a bother for that person and the rate of stress is also high.

One can also get treatment for diseases like depression and also be willing to get counseling from those who are above you in the work place or those with training on offering the counseling services. One should also manage time effectively this will help such a person have time to rest and do other things that he or she is expected to do and therefore time factor is very important factor that is to be considered in the work place wasting time will lead to delays in work and also the things that one will have planned to do will not be possible.

One should be able to make the work that he or she can be able to attain so that he or she does not have to spend more time in undertaking that particular task meaning that one should not overload him or herself with work that can not be completed perfectly. Therefore in completion of one task before going for the other will mean that such a person will feel to have control over the work and therefore the stress will be reduced and also having to vary the tasks will help such a person be interested and therefore the work will be done as expected and without mistakes.

(Alice, 2003) One should take time to relax and breathe heavily so that the muscle tiredness can be reduced and therefore one has got to do exercises so that the muscles can remain relaxed. One should also have the indication of the situations that leads to stress and thus he or she should know how to behave differently in the tricky situations, therefore one should learn more on what to do so that the stress is not attained in that particular time.

One should also get advice from the managers on how to deal with the problems that affect them in the work place and therefore such a person will get the tack tics that will assist him or her to deal with the difficulties in work. One should have regular activities outside the company so that he or she can meet with new people, take the mind from the work worries and have the reminder that there is a lot that is to be done in life and therefore be willing and ready to do more so that what you want in life can be achieved in future. (Frieda, 2000)

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There are 2 main theories of why stress increases the risk of cardiovascular disorders; direct mechanical effects and energy mobilisation. There is evidence for and against these theories. Rosenman studied 32000 men and split them into 2 groups; type A …

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This is the range of movement possible at a joint. Muscular Endurance This is the ability to use voluntary muscles, many times without getting tired. Body Composition This is the percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle and bone. For Rounders, it would be …

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