The Cardiovascular System

The Skeletal system basically refers to the skeleton of the human body. The skeletal system gives the body support, maintains the body’s shape, allows movement and in some cases provides protection. TThe human body contains more than 650 individual muscles anchored to the skeleton, which provide pulling power so that the body can move around. A muscle can contract and relax. When they contract they become shorter and the part of the body it is attached to with it. Different joints between bones restrict movement in different parts.

In order for the body to stay alive, each of its cells must receive a continuous supply of food and oxygen. At the same time, carbon dioxide and other materials produced by the cells must be picked up for removal from the body. This process is continually maintained by the body’s cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels, which together maintain a continuous flow of blood through the body delivering oxygen and nutrients to and removing carbon dioxide and waste products from body. he human adult body contains 252 bones in total.

In order for the body to stay alive, each of its cells must receive a continuous supply of food and oxygen. At the same time, carbon dioxide and other materials produced by the cells must be picked up for removal from the body. This process is continually maintained by the body’s cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels, which together maintain a continuous flow of blood through the body delivering oxygen and nutrients to and removing carbon dioxide and waste products from body.

Continuous use of the muscles during exercise will cause the body to grow more tendons so that the muscle can apply more force when in use. Cardio vascular system Continuous exercise will cause the Heart to beet faster in order to send oxygen and energy from food to all the cells of the body. The heart on its own is basically a muscle. Therefore continuous exercise will strengthen the so more blood can be pumped faster. Respiratory system Continuous exercise will cause the body to grow a wider surface are on the alveoli of the lungs.

This will allow more oxygen to be taken in and the body will not have to resort to releasing lactic acid into the body causing stitches. Lifestyle factors that can affect health and fitness. The human body can take in many things in different ways, such as consumption, inhalation or injection into the bloodstream. Although many things can be taken in, not all are good for the body. Consumption of food and drink. The body needs to take in certain things in order for the body to work.

This is kept in a delicate balance and too much of one substance and lack of the other can upset the human body. The body uses the substances it consumes but a build up of some substances causes the body to store it. Fat for instance is a stored form of carbohydrates. It can be burned for later use when it is needed. A healthy body should consist of an approximation of 10% body fat. Too much will cause the body in areas of the body to expand so it can be stored.

This causes extra weight for the body to carry and may slow the individual down and they are not able to burn fat fast enough to keep up with the demand. A person must eat what is known as a balanced diet. A diet that consists of Drugs Drugs are chemicals that cause the body to act differently. The main purposes of drugs are to change the body’s state so it will react in a negative way towards a virus, bacteria, etc. Some drugs however are taken irresponsibly so the body may achieve a state of thrill. These drugs are nearly always addictive and illegal.

They can also damage the body physically and create physiological trauma. Hygiene Hygiene is the main way of preserving health. Maintaining proper hygiene is an essential element in maintaining good health and a physiological sense of well-being. Exercise The benefits of exercise go far beyond physical health. Regular exercise can also benefit psychological well being. Exercise can help reduce overall feelings of stress and tension. It also improves self-esteem. Recent studies have shown that exercising just 10 minutes a day can show positive benefits.

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