Breast Cancer

Director of molecular diagnostics, Tianjin Cancer Hospital Center in JinPu said, genetic testing is through the blood, other body fluids or tumor tissue for gene sequences were detected and analyzed. Currently, breast cancer topped the incidence of female cancer, and lung cancer is the first cancer mortality rates for men and women, the incidence increased year by year, and getting younger and younger.

Breast cancer risk population genetic screening technique to detect only need to be provided by 5 ml of peripheral blood, can breast cancer susceptibility gene for six full-exon gene mutation, according to susceptibility gene mutation, gene mutation carriers to assess chance of developing breast cancer, pursuant to adopt appropriate preventive measures, so as to achieve the purpose of early prevention of breast cancer.

Lung cancer genetic testing, is the use of lung cancer patients, “green beans” the size of a tissue sample, using next-generation sequencing technology, the 14 genes in lung cancer hotspot areas driven deep sequencing to detect gene mutations drive, and as a basis to optimize the development of individualized cancer targeted drug treatment programs, thus promoting individual treatment of lung cancer.

Clinical director of the National Cancer Research Center, Tianjin Cancer Institute director Hao Xishan academician said of tumor molecular diagnostics and gene detection platform built technology, is an important way to achieve tumor control and patient personalized medicine, will bring two The major change, one individual targeted therapy, the second is the prevention of diseases that may occur. According to test results carried out a risk assessment of clinical intervention With respect to lung cancer genetic testing technology, focusing on the prevention of breast cancer in high-risk populations by genetic screening technology more public attention.

So, what populations are at high risk of breast cancer populations? Where do genetic testing it? At director, said past suffered from breast cancer, relatives and relatives of someone with breast cancer gene test results as “high risk” who belong to high-risk groups for breast cancer, can be related to testing. Angelina Jolie inherited from the mother because the mutated BRCA1 gene, so the risk of breast and ovarian cancer risk is relatively large.

“BRCA1 gene test result is positive, then the predicted probability of developing breast cancer was 45% -87%. ” Director of the Preventive Medicine Center of Tianjin Cancer Hospital, LIU Jun said that people want to do genetic testing, can go to the center for consultation appointment. After the test results came out, the doctor will be based on the risk model table for different groups to intervene. “Low-risk” persons without special intervention; “medium risk” needs to be closely observed, increased inspection frequency; “high risk” are in addition to closely observe, but also through drug intervention, reduce the risk of breast cancer.

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