Biological warfare

Recently, the Ebola virus outbreak in 2014 has been the largest in history. This virus has been easily infecting everyone while slowly evolving into a new strain. These statements do support Lederberg’s quote, “The single biggest threat to man’s continued to dominance on this planet is the virus,” is definitely agreeable. If you catch a virus like Ebola, you will have a very low chance of surviving. Once you catch the Ebola virus, there’s a very high chance of you dying, since the fatality rate is up to ninety percent.

It’s also because there isn’t a cure for viruses, but there are vaccines. The virus processes by taking over a normal cell in a body to replicate itself until the cells blow up with the replicated virus inside. These viruses will continue by going to their next host to destroy the as well. You will then be defecating from all of the holes in your body, because of the virus bursting your blood vessels. The movie, “OUTBREAK,” shows how one person can spread the disease to others. By having close contact with wild animals, coughing near others, and kissing, it can kill you in a few days.

All the infections caused the virus to mutate and become airborne which would be very dangerous if it started spreading. The government then took extreme measures to use a firebomb. Firebombs are used to pull the virus filled air into the center of the dropped bomb. This proves to us how extremely dangerous viruses can get if they had to use that bomb. Viruses have been with us for ages, and some had even mutated into new strains. Like the movie, the virus became a new strain and viruses such as HIV-1 a type of bird flu, and of course, Ebola. HIV-1 has now become a stronger strain that may rapidly lead to AIDs .

A new strain of the bird flu is called H7N9 now has 126 cases of human infections reported in China. As for Ebola, new strains have been slowly forming from all the mankind, because new strains are made, meaning that the viruses are stronger and are becoming more resistant. The government using viruses as a biological weapon proves that the viruses are mankind’s threat. a biological weapon is a biological agent with bacteria or viruses that are used for war. It cause harm and death to the attacked country terrorism is significant, because the movie showed that the disease was taken as a secret weapon before they bombed Motaba River Valley.

If that weapon wasn’t taken care of properly, then someone can take it, and turn it into an act the bioterrorism. This would become threatening as the terrorist takes advantage of us. In conclusion, a single virus is possible man’s most biggest threat. You will surely die if you catch one, because there’s no cure to the virus. They have resistant to our vaccines. Viruses are also a biological warfare weapon. Once we find the right treatment for the viruses, we will be able to have humans dominate the Earth.

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•In the book, we have Nancy and Jerry, and they are very important characters who deal with Ebola. Also they are married. In the movie, Sam and his ex-wife shares similar rolls like Nancy and Jerry. They try to stop …

In October of 1989, Macaque monkeys, housed at the Reston Primate Quarantine Unit in Reston, Virginia, began dying from a mysterious disease at an alarming rate. The wild monkeys, imported from the Philippines, were to be sold as laboratory animals. …

A movie, Outbreak, came out some years back and it put the threat of the Ebola virus smack dab in my face. Never, at that time, had I heard of a real-life present-day killer virus. Of course I learned about …

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