Bacteria – Virus

1. 1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. bacteria Bacteria are extremely small singular organisms which are found almost everywhere and also can spread immediately. some bacteria can be dangerous depending where it is in your body or in the environment and what bacteria it is from the person or an animal being contact with. viruses The viruses is a coated genetic material that invades cells and use’s the cells apparatus for reproduction. viruses can damage you or service users if you get a viruses from a person or an animal being in contact with them fungi.

Fungi is a multi-celled living organism which can spread in your body and can be also be dangerous if you or animals get fungi and spread it worldwide by getting to close by them. fungi can be dangerous for who ever you become contact with. parasites A parasite is any organism that benefits from its interaction with another organism while the other organism is harmed. Fungi, bacteria and viruses as well as higher organisms such as mites and worms can be referred to as parasites as long as they fit this criteria. 1. 2

Identify common illness and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. bacteria Bacteria if you become aware of strep throat and ring worm you would need to contact your local GP imediately before it spreads and gets worse than it is and not keep to close so they do not get it themselves. virus Virus can become in to a flu and get worse and possibity cause death from catching the flu virus if it is not treated with the correct medication.

Fungi Fungi can cause yellow nails you would need to contact the GP to get treatment for the fungi before it spreads and to complete the course before contacting any other person as you could spread it to them Parasite Parasite you can get tape worm and ring worm you would find it on your body and faeces if you find it you would need to contact the GP straight away as it can be dangerous for you as it would need to be treated and the property would need disfinect to get rid of the ring worm and tape worm.

1. 3 Describe what is meant by “infection” and “colonisation” infection Infection is the result of the bacteria causing an illness. The signs and symptoms of infection would depend on where the infection is. For example, a patient who has a urinary tract infection caused by VRE may have signs and symptoms such as frequency and burning pain with urination colonization Colonization means that bacteria are present on or in the body but cause no signs and symptoms.

VRE may be present in the intestine or on the skin without causing signs and symptoms. 1. 4 Explain what is meant by “systemic infection” and “localised infection” localised A localised infections is an infections that is limited to a specific body part or region. Localised means the infection is restricted to one small area only. An infected cut or ulcer is an example of this. systemic A systemic infection is the opposit. That’s when the patogen is distributed throughtout the whole body.

Systemic means it’s in the blood stream and is spreading/has spread through the body. Septicaemia is an example of a systemic infection. 1. 5 Identify poor practices that may lead to the spread of infection. Infection requires three main elements; a source, a mode of transmission, and a host. In this case since you are addressing practice that may lead to spread of infection, we’ll focus on practices that transmit. Three modes of transmission are airborne, droplet, and contact.

Therefore, IFYOU DO NOT FOLLOW standard precautions, infection will most likely spread. Here are 10 examples of standard precautions. 1)good hand hygiene, before and after every contact episode 2) use of personal protective equipment when protocol requires 3) safe use and disposal of sharps (needles, vials etc. )

4) routine environmental cleaning with antibacterial solutions & sprays 5) autoclave or otherwise reprocess appropriately any reusable medical equipment and instruments 6) good respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette (cover mouth during cough or sneeze, then wash hands) 7) aseptic non-touch technique (gloves) 8) handle waste effectively 9) handle linen appropriately 10) do not wear medical work attire at home isolate and wash it separately and as soon as possible.

Bacteria cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes, however all bacteria’s have the same basic structure, below is a image of bacteria cell with labels identifying what a bacteria cell consists of: VIRUSES – viruses are smaller than …

1. Understand the causes of infection 2. 1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria – bacteria are extremely small singular organisms which are found almost everywhere. Viruses – it is a coated genetic material that invades …

1. 1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria- is a microscopic organisms. They are living cells and they can multiply rapidly. Once bacteria are in the body they release poisons/toxins that make us feel ill. Not …

1 1. 1: identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria are living things that are neither plants nor animals, but belong to a group all by themselves. They are very small–individually not more than one single cell–however …

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