Bacteria and Living Organism Parasites

1. Understand the causes of infection 2. 1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria – bacteria are extremely small singular organisms which are found almost everywhere. Viruses – it is a coated genetic material that invades cells and use’s the cells apparatus for reproduction. Fungi – it is a multi-celled living organism Parasites – they are types of living plants and animals that derive benefit from the metabolism of other animals and plants. 2.

2 Identify common illnesses and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria – Food poisoning, bronchitis, ear infections, tonsillitis. Viruses – common cold, stomach flu, warts. Fungi – Athletes foot, ring worm, yeast infection. Parasites – worms, malaria, trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) 2. 3 Describe what is meant by infection and colonisation. Infection – is an invasion to body tissues from a disease- caused microorganism. Colonisation – is multiplication of microorganisms without tissue invasion or damage.

2. 4 Explain what is meant by “systemic infection and localized infection” Systemic – is when infection is distributed throughout the whole body. Localized – is when infection is limited to a specific part of the body. 2. 5 Identify poor practises that may lead to the spread of infection. If you don’t wash your hands, not wearing personal protective clothing, not clearing surroundings, not covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. 2. Understand the transmission of infection. 3.

6 Explain the conditions needed for the growth of microorganisms. Microorganisms need something to feed on such as dairy products, raw eggs and uncooked fish. Moisture- the microorganisms will not grow in dry conditions. Warmth/ temperature – there are two types that grow in low temperatures and some that grow in high temperatures. Psychorphiles will grow in less than 20c and thermophiles which will grow above 45c. Time – with the right food, moisture and temperature the microorganisms will divide in to two every 20minutes.

3. 7 Explain the ways an infective agent might enter the body. Main ways are through the mouth, lungs, cuts , touch and other external organs such as eyes also they can enter through genitals and mixing body fluids. 3. 8 Identify common source of infection. Infections can be spread and caught though having contact with another person who has the infection or even some infections can be air bourn. 3. 9 Explain how infective agents can be transmitted to a person.

Transmitting infections can be done in different ways such as coughing and sneezing on someone, touching an infected person including sexual contact, touching contaminated surfaces, contaminated food, or if microorganisms can remain in the air for long periods of time. 3. 10 Identify the key factors that will make it more likely that infection will occur. It is most likely to occur when a person has a low immune system, is on long term antibiotics or has bad hygiene when treating a wound.

1 1. 1: identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria are living things that are neither plants nor animals, but belong to a group all by themselves. They are very small–individually not more than one single cell–however …

Aas well as human bodies and other living organisms such as plants and animals. Bacteria multiplies by its self to progress and spread. Unlike other infections such as viruses, fungi or parasites bacteria is not always harmful in fact in …

1. 1 Bacteria are one celled micro-organisms that get their nutrients fro their environment to live eg: The human body. Bacteria causes infections and can reproduce either inside or outside the body. Viruses are pieces of nucleic acid (DNA or …

?P1: you must explain how infections are caused by, bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. P2: you must explain how pathogenic microorganisms grow and spread. In this assignment I am going to explain how infections are caused by, bacteria, viruses, fungi …

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