Chicken poxChickenpox is a mild and common childhood illness that most children catch at some point. | Rash of red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters. They then crust over to form scabs, which eventually drop off. It takes seven to 21 days for the symptoms to show after you have come into contact with the virus. This is called the ‘incubation period’. | It’s a very contagious infection. The chickenpox virus is spread in the same ways as colds as flu.
| A child with chickenpox is most infectious from one to two days before the rash appears until all the blisters have crusted over. This usually takes five to six days from the start of the rash. Contact your GP if you are pregnant or child is less than four weeks old. | MumpsMumps is a contagious viral infection that used to be common in children. | Usually recognised by the painful swellings located at the side of the face under the ears (the parotid glands), giving a person with mumps a distinctive “hamster face” appearance.
Other symptoms include headache, joint pain and a high temperature. | ‘Mumps is caused by the mumps virus, which belongs to a family of viruses known as paramyxoviruses. Paramyxoviruses are a common source of infection, particularly in children’Taken from http://www. nhs. uk/ConditionsMumps is an airborne virus that is easily spread in the same way as colds and flu| There are currently no anti-viral medications that can be used to treat mumps. Treatment is focused on relieving symptoms until your body’s immune system manages to fight off the infection.
Lots of fluids, bed rest and over the counter painkillers are advised| Slapped cheek syndrome Slapped cheek syndrome (also known as “fifth disease”) is a type of viral infection that is most common in children, although it can affect anyone of any age. | The most common symptom of slapped cheek syndrome is the appearance of a distinctive bright red rash on the cheeks.
This is how the condition got its name. Symptoms such as headaches, high temperature or itchy skin can usually be treatedwith over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol and antihistamines| It is an airborne virus that is spread in the same way as the cold or flu viruses. It’s very difficult to prevent the spread of the virus as people are most contagious before their symptoms begin, so they are unaware that they are infected | Most children will not need treatment, as slapped cheek syndrome is usually a very mild condition that passes in a few days. Occasionally it can last up to four or five weeks.
Tonsillitis Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils. It is a common type of infection in children. | * Sore throat that can feel worse when swallowing * High temperature (fever) over 38°C (100. 4°F) * Coughing * Headache | Tonsillitis is spread in the same ways as colds and flu. Usually due to a viral infection or, less commonly, a bacterial infection.. | There is no specific treatment for tonsillitis. Usually the immune system will clear the infection within a few days. You should see your GP if symptoms take longer than 3-4 days to clear up.
| RicketsRickets is a condition that affects bone development in children. | It causes the bones to become soft and malformed, which can lead to bone deformities. | Rickets usually occurs because of a lack of vitamin D or calcium. It can also be caused by a genetic defect or another health condition. | Your GP will advise you about how much vitamin D and calcium your child will need to take. This will depend on their age and the cause of the rickets. It is not contagious. | Hand foot and mouthIs a type of viral infection that is most common in young children.
| Cold-like symptoms such as loss of appetite, cough and a moderately high temperature. A non-itchy red rash that develops on the hand and the feet, sometimes the rash can develop into painful blisters. Mouth ulcers. | Usually caused by a virus, can be spread in much the same way as the common cold. Children can also become infected if they have contact with fluid from the blisters or saliva of someone who is infected. | Hand foot and mouth disease is what is known as self-limiting condition meaning that it will get better by itself without the need for treatment.
Symptoms will usually pass within 7 days| DysenteryAn infection of the intestines that causes diarrhoea. | Diarrhoea sometimes accompanied by vomiting, nausea and stomach| It is caused by a bacteria called shigella bacteria The bacteria are found in faeces and are spread through poor hygiene; for example, by not washing your hands after having diarrhoea| Dysentery usually clears up after a few days and no treatment is needed. However, it is important to replace any fluids that have been lost through diarrhoea.
| Glandular feverGlandular fever is a type of viral infection that mostly affects young adults. | High temperatureSore throatSwollen glands in the neckExtreme tiredness| Glandular fever is spread through saliva. It can be spread through kissing, exposure to coughs and sneezes. Sharing eating and | Someone with glandular fever is contagious for at least two months after initially being infected. There is no cure for glandular fever. Treatment focuses on helping to relieve the symptoms, such as using painkillers, to reduce the symptoms of pain and fever.
The majority of the symptoms of glandular fever should pass within two to three weeks without treatment. | Diphtheria A contagious bacterial infection that mainly affects the nose and throat. Less commonly, it can also affect the skin. | Diphtheria is very rare in England because most people have been vaccinated against it. The most serious cases can be fatal. Symthoms includeHigh temperature of 38? C (100. 4? F) or aboveSore throatBreathing difficulties| Two types of bacteria can cause diphtheria.
They are: * Corynebacterium diphtheriae * Corynebacterium ulcerans List taken from http://www.nhs. uk/ConditionsThe bacteria spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes, and droplets of their saliva enter another person’s mouth or nose. | If diphtheria is suspected, the child will be immediately referred to hospital and admitted to an isolation ward to prevent the infection spreading. They will then be kept in for 14-24 days to ensure antibiotics given have worked. Anyone who has had close contact with them, such as family or household members, friends or visitors should visit their GP immediately to be checked for signs of diphtheria.
| MeningitisAn infection of the meninges (the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord). | The symptoms of bacterial meningitis are different in babies and young children. Possible symptoms include: * becoming floppy and unresponsive, or stiff with jerky movements * becoming irritable and not wanting to be held * unusual crying * vomiting and refusing feeds * pale and blotchy skin * loss of appetite * staring expression * very sleepy with a reluctance to wake up Some babies will develop a swelling in the soft part of their he ad (fontanelleList taken from http://www.nhs. uk/Conditions| Meningitis can be caused by bacteria or a virus.
In most meningitis infections, bacteria or viruses spread through the blood. An infection can begin in one part of the body, such as the throat or lungs, before moving through the tissue and into the blood| Someone with bacterial meningitis will require urgent treatment in hospital. If they have severe meningitis, they may need to be treated in an intensive care unit (ICU). If the antibiotics work well, a child or young person should spend about a week in hospital, or maybe less.
But if you are severely ill you may need to stay in hospital for weeks or even months. | 2. 2 Actions taken when children or young people are ill or injured * Should a person become ill or require first aid, it is important that everyone knows what to do. There are telephones situated outside classrooms, which have a direct line to the office, where assistance can be obtained immediately. If an accident happens in the playground, that person is to be brought to Mrs. Grant (first aider) for treatment. If it is a serious injury, then the first-aider will be called to help.
The Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher in her absence will make the decision as to whether the emergency services are required. The details to be given over the telephone are attached to each outgoing telephone line. The setting provides information on where in the building the first aid containers are held and what they contain. * There are arrangements for accidents occurring during off site activities outlined in the school policy. The Head teacher assesses the level of first aid provision needed. Should there be no special risk then traveling first aid equipment shall be taken.
A mobile phone is provided and will be used in the event of an emergency. * Accidents or illnesses, which occur in the classroom or playground, are to be recorded in the Daily First-Aid Record Sheet. A new sheet is used everyday. Lunchtime supervisors are to ensure that accidents that have occurred during lunch break are reported to the relevant teacher. * In an emergency, the Head teacher or person in charge should have procedures for contacting the child’s parent/guardian/named contact as soon as possible.
* The first aid policy is displayed in a prominent position in the staff room and copies are included in the staff handbook. * 2. 3 Circumstances when children and young people might require urgent medical attention For information and a list, the following is taken from http://www. pearsonschoolsandfecolleges. co. uk/FEAndVocational/Childcare/NVQSVQCYPW/NVQSVQSupportingTeachingandLearning/Samples/Level2STaLISsamplematerial/Level2SupportingTeachingandLearninginSchoolsUnitTDA22samplematerial. pdf An emergency situation which requires urgent medical attention includes: * severe bleeding.
* unconsciousness * choking * breathing difficulties head injuries * epileptic seizure * suspected fractures * when it is suspected that children have taken drugs or abused substances * disorientation. 2. 4 Actions to take in response to emergency situations Fire, gas leak, bomb alert If you discover a fire you are advised to immediately operate the nearest fire alarm call point. The fire alarm for Barrington primary school is an intermittent bell. On hearing the alarm all staff and helpers immediately evacuate the building taking children in their charge through the nearest exit.
Check immediate area is free of children. Office staff are to call the fire brigade, pick up registers, visitors book, grab bag immediately and leave through the nearest exit. Everyone is advised, * always use the nearest exit and close doors on leaving * Do not stop to collect personal belongings * Do not re-enter the building. Everyone is to assemble in the playground to the front of the school to check registers and report to the person in charge. The Headteacher will verify that the brigade has been called.
In the event of a missing person, it is to be reported immediately to the Headteacher or person in charge. It is very important nobody goes back into the building. In the event of a missing person thought to be still in the building, the person in charge will aim to locate their whereabouts from outside the building in order to inform the FireBrigade. Security incidents- Security is in place to minimize the risks to children. The procedures used in my setting are * ? All visitors (myself included) are to sign in, visitor badges are issued.
* ? security locks on the office doors that lead into the school, ensuring no-one can enter without permission * ? Signing out of pupils during class time, if they need to leave the school for any reason (authorised adult). * ? Registers are called every morning after break times and before and after PE. If you are unsure about someone you see, you need to report your concern to someone higher up. Missing Children Children should never be allowed to leave the premises during school time except if school has been informed and given details.the policy in my setting instructs staff to immediately * To locate any missing child quickly.
* To ensure that all children are kept safely on the school premises during school hours unless they have the headteacher’s permission to leave. * To ensure that children who leave school during the school day only do so with the headteacher’s permission and that they are accompanied by an authorised adult. * To ensure that the building, grounds and play areas are safe and secure during school hours. * To ensure that teachers and staff keep children under proper supervision at all times.
* To ensure that if a child ‘goes missing’ during the school day, he/she is * located quickly and returned safely to the school. * If a child cannot be found by their teacher/support worker/ lunchtime supervisor, the headteacher must be notified immediately and told when and where the child was last seen. Time is of the essence and prompt actions must be taken by all. * The remaining children will be left safe in the care of suitable staff. All other available staff will conduct a thorough search of the child’s classroom, play areas, storage areas, toilets, the school building and the school grounds.
* If the child is not found within a short period of time, the police must be called by the headteacher or staff member. * Members of staff, who are not supervising children, will be sent to search the area in the immediate vicinity of the school. * If a child goes missing during an outing or school visit, the teacher in charge must ensure that the remaining children are safely cared for by the other staff and adults. An urgent but thorough search should be made of the immediate vicinity and if the child is not found quickly the police must be called and the headteacher notified.
If in an enclosed space the appropriate staff in that environment can be initially informed before calling the police, for instance to give a message over the tannoy. * As soon as possible, the parents and Social Worker (where appropriate) will be notified that their child is missing. * The LA will be notified by the headteacher that a child is missing. * If a member of staff finds the child the headteacher must be told at once. * Parents, police and other authorities will be notified. * The headteacher will investigate how the incident occurred and will take appropriate action to ensure that similar events do not happen again.