Back Pain Causes and Treatment

In the human body, the lower back or lumbar area serves a number of important functions, including structural support, movement, and protection of certain body tissues. On standing position, the lower back functions to support the weight of the upper body. The lower back is also involved in the movement while bending, extending, or rotating at the waist. So, the injury to the structures essential for weight bearing, for example the bony spine, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, frequently can be noticed when the body is standing upright or used in various movements. Lower back pain can vary in its intensity, leading to restricted movement.

It may spread into the buttocks and upper thigh regions and can be localized to the lower back itself, below the waist, or extend down through the buttocks and on down through the back of the legs and right down to the feet. Lumbago can be continuous and persistent and lead to a chronic disability in a small percentage of people. Causes of Lumbago: * Strain: Lumbago can be caused by improper lifting and handling of heavy items for the distributed weight of the person. From all the body parts; the back and stomach carry most of work force. * Fat stomach: This will cause back problem, as a Fat Stomach will pull the back muscles inward.

You can decrease excess belly fat without pills and strenuous exercise by using a Neoprene body wrap. When you wrap this around your middle, it will cause the area to sweat and also support the stomach and back. Such support tools will decrease not only the extra subcutaneous tissue but also decrease back pain. Ensure that you use the wrap over cotton clothing, like shorts, undergarments, etc. otherwise, if left on the skin you will develop blisters. * Improper Diet: Improper diet also causes lumbago. Constipation may be produced with the intake of improper diet.

Flax Seed will scrape the walls of the colon and helps in proper elimination. Take one tablespoon full of it once a day. Put it in your mouth, half of a tablespoon at a time and swallow it down the hatch. * Hot and Cold: If your body is cool and suddenly warm off or vice versa, then it can cause lumbago. It causes the tightening of muscle. Don’t sit on cement, stone or marble as these drain the body temperature from the derriere area and can cause the back to suffer for it. Low back pain or lumbago can also be caused by many things. Here are some of the other common conditions: Common causes of lower back pain:

* Lumbar strain (acute, chronic) * Nerve irritation * Lumbar Radiculopathy (Herniated Disc) * Bony encroachment * Conditions of the bone and joints * Congenital bone conditions (Scoliosis and spina bifida) * Degenerative bone and joint conditions (Osteoarthritis or Spondylosis) * Injury to the bones and joints (Osteoporosis) * Arthritis Other causes of lower back pain: * Kidney problems * Pregnancy * Ovary problems * Tumors Uncommon causes of lower back pain: * Paget’s disease of bone * Bleeding or infection in the pelvis * Infection of the cartilage and/or bone of the spine * Aneurysm of the aorta

* Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Symptoms of Lumbago: * Spinal muscle spasms cause the back to feel stiff and sore. * Back pain and muscle spasm can be so acute that posture is affected. The patient may appear to be listing to one side. * Low back pain may radiate into the buttocks, back of the thigh, into the groin. * Lumbago may cause tingling sensations to be felt in the low back, buttocks, and legs. * Back pain (lumbago) may be aggravated during movement. Pain from bending forward, backward or side-to-side may limit activity. In rare cases, lumbago cause serious symptoms that need immediate medical care.

But, the following warning signs are good to know: * Leg numbness * Loss of leg strength * Loss of bladder or bowel control Treatment of Lumbago: The lower back pain can be treated depending on the precise cause of if. Additionally, each patient must be individually assessed and managed in the context of the underlying background health status and activity level. For most patients, conservative treatment is the most likely course of action. Treatment options include rest, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, traction, short wave diathermy, weight control, and steroid injections in step by step order.

Surgical intervention is considered, if a patient does not get relief after 8 to 12 weeks of conservative therapy. In Ayurveda, Lumbago is called as Kateeshoola with “Kati” referring to the lower back and “Shula” referring to pain. Treatment consists of three approaches, removal (Sodhanam) of the accumulated toxic products of digestion, metabolism and the disease process, pacification (Samanam) and correction of the entities responsible for altered functioning and Rasayanam (Rejuvenation) of the bodily tissue to reclaim and maintain natural strength and vitality.

Acute lower back pain treatment: * Beneficial: NSAIDs such as ibuprofen. Advice to stay active * Likely to be beneficial: analgesics, spinal manipulation * Trade off between benefits and harms: muscle relaxants * Likely to be ineffective or harmful: bed rest, traction * Effectiveness unknown: Colchicine, antidepressants, epidural steroid injections, facet joint injections, back schools, behavioural therapy, EMG feedback, back exercises, multidisciplinary treatment, lumbar supports, physical treatment, TENS Chronic low back pain treatment:

* Beneficial: back exercises, multidisciplinary treatment * Unlikely to be beneficial: bed rest, EMG biofeedback * Likely to be ineffective or harmful: facet joint injections, traction * Likely to be beneficial: analgesics, NSAIDs, triggerpoint and ligament injection, back schools, behavioural therapy, spinal manipulation * Unknown effectiveness: Colchicine, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, epidurals, steroid injections, acupuncture, TENS, physical treatments, lumbar supports, advice to stay active Diagnosis by doctor:

* Mostly, a doctor diagnose back problem from the information given from the patient. * Usually, chiropractors perform an especially thorough examination and will watch the movement of the joints in the spine, pelvis, and hips, perform orthopaedic and muscle tests and check to see if any nerves are trapped in the spine. * It is seldom essential to take X-rays, scans or blood tests in order to rule out more serious underlying causes of back pain. In case of sports injury, a specialist or doctor: * Determine the cause and advise on posture and exercises * Apply traction or joint manipulation techniques.

* Use Ultrasound, TENS or Interferential treatment * Prescribe a full rehabilitation and strengthening programme * Use sports massage techniques * Prescribe anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, or muscle relaxing medication Herbal Treatment: * 2 Tablespoons Powdered Mullein * 3 Tablespoons Powdered Slippery Elm Bark * 1 Tablespoon Lobelia * 1 small teaspoon Cayenne Combine all ingredients together and then mix in enough boiling hot distilled or purified water to prepare a thick paste, about 1 quarter inch thickness.

Prepare a muslin pouch large enough to cover the area or spread evenly on a white cotton cloth. Apply on affected area, while the paste is still fairly hot and cover with plastic wrap. Leave it for at least 2 hours. Do not use again or reheat the contents of the poultice. Always employ fresh herbs when reapplying an application. It is the best way to treat lumbago pain. Also, you can take bath with baking soda and use some pain killers. Drink cranberry juice, if you cannot use pain killers. Diet, life style modifications and yogasanas are also advised along with medical management.

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