Diagnosis, Prognosis, And Treatment

GBS is difficult to diagnose due to the difference of the occurrence from one person to another. A simple observation alone may not be a reliable source of diagnosis. There are three tests that are performed that may confirm a diagnosis of GBS. The first test is the Lumbar Puncture or the Spinal Tap. This is a test done wherein a needle is inserted in between the lumbar vertebrae and Cerebrospinal Fluid is extracted. An increase in the level of protein in the CSF is an indication of GBS. Another test is the nerve tests.

One is the Electromyogram or EMG, this records the muscle activity and can show that there is loss of reflexes that is one characteristic of GBS. Another nerve test is the Nerve Conduvtion Velocity or the NVC, a test performed with EMG. This records the speed at which signal travel along the nerves. Prognosis of this disease may be devastating because of its unexpected and sudden onset. About 90% of the patients reach their weakest point on the third week after the onset of the disorder.

The recovery period may range from a few weeks to a few years but some still have residual weakness after 3 years but some may not be able to resume their normal occupation. Less than 5 % of the GBS patients die, these fatalities may be due to cardiovascular and respiratory complications. There is really no known cure for Gullaine-Barre Syndrome since the cause of the disorder is not clear. However, therapies can help lessen the severity of the illness and in the faster recovery. Several treatments are also done to treat its complication (NIH).

One treatment is plasmapheresis wherein blood is withdrawn then it would be passing through a series of filters that separates the different types of blood cells. The blood cells are either suspended in the donor or synthetic plasma or returned to the patient’s body. This process is thought to remove substances that damage the myelin sheath thus shortening the course of GBS, alleviate the symptoms and prevent paralysis. Immunoglobulin wherein this would be given in large doses intravenously may help shorten the duration of symptoms.

This is recommended whenever plasmapheresis is not available or when patients are not good candidates or when they don’t respond to it. Pain relievers for muscle and joint pains may be used such as aspirin but if necessary that the patients take stronger pain medication, it may also be prescribed. Relaxants such as diazepam may be used for muscle spasms. Lingering sensation may be treated with tricyclic antidepressants or anticonvulsants. Physical therapy must also be done before recovery begins so to prevent stiffness in the arms and legs.

After symptoms subside patients may be advised for an active exercise routine to regain the muscle strength. Hydrotherapy or whirlpool therapy may help relieve pain and be useful in retraining the movement of affected limb. Counselling may be necessary to reassure the patients with GBS and help them feel positive about their treatment and recovery. (Swierzewski, 2000) Current Studies on the Treatment of Gullain-Barre Syndrome Steroids are also used in the treatment of GBS. Six eligible trials have been done with regards to the use of steroids.

A study included 195 patients and 187 controls. This study however found out that although steroids help in reducing inflammation. Patients with GBS do not respond to this treatment. Scientists however did not find any explanation as to why GBS patients do not respond to this treatment (Winer, 2002). This study included 649 patients who received plasma exchange and they were able to show improvements with this treatment. (Winer, 2002). Intravenous immunoglobulin was also used for treatment of GBS.

This included 398 patients in the study. This study showed that it may be effective but as compared to plasma exchange there was no significant difference as to the recovery period and disability improvements (Winer, 2002). Other treatments suggested were the following: • Easing your breathing problems, sometimes through the use of a breathing machine or the ventilator. • Regular monitoring of Blood Pressure and Heart rate • Providing adequate nutrition if you have problems chewing and swallowing. • Managing bladder and bowel problems.

• Using physical therapy to help maintain muscle strength and flexibility. • Preventing and treating complications such as pneumonia, blood clots in the legs, or urinary tract infections (WebMD, 2006). These are the new studies done as to the treatment with Gullaine-Barre Syndrome. However, there were no significant change as to the recovery period and level of disability as compared with each other. In the previous studies GBS did not really have a known. The development of these some research studies suggests the same.

This indicates that even after a series of studies, there was really no possible treatment to the disorder per se. The studies focus on the rehabilitation, the level of disability and the treatment of the signs and symptoms. This is just the same with the previous studies. As there was no known direct cause responsible for the occurrence of GBS, treatment for the disorder is really difficult to find. This is also true with the occurrence of the signs and symptoms, as their presentations from one person to another are different then the treatment is difficult to formulate.

Occurrence of the signs and symptoms are not the same so treatments may need to vary from one person to another. Say for example, plasmapheresis is not effective to other patients while others respond positively to the said treatment. As observed, no treatments were really direct to the treatment of GBS, it is only the possible complications that are prevented, the alleviation of the signs and symptoms are treated as well, but the disorder is not really prevented nor is it treated.

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