AQA Physical Education Coursework

Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end of the 5 sessions in terms of aspects of fitness/skills you want to improve. 5 marks Awareness of safety aspects. Outline any potential risks with any apparatus/equipment. What factors will you need to consider when planning the order/types of exercises? Explain how and why you will prepare your body for exercise/and help it to recover afterwards. 5 marks

Appropriateness of chosen exercises. Explain why you have chosen at least two of the exercises/ activities and how they will help you achieve your targets. 5 marks Appropriate application. Explain how your training will progress each time and how you will be This was at the right level of intensity because it was not so hard to carry out that I found it boring, very tiring and gave up. But it was also hard enough that it would enable my fitness to improve. 2 I was exhausted after this training session as, I had done a training session last lesson the day before and had training my rugby club club.

I really pushed myself to keep up with the targets I had set myself. In addition, this probably meant that my muscles had not really had enough time to recover in only one night. 3 I did not find this session quite hard. My heart rate rocketed as I have a cold so I tired faster. 4 I found session 4 harder than it intended to be. There are several reasons that I can suggest as to why this was, one of them could be that I have just comedown with a cold so my resting heart rate has increased I also had had a late night last night as I could not get to sleep because of migraine.

This had therefore caused me to feel more tired than usual due to lack of energy. 5 I coped well with this last session as I think my body is adjusting to the demands put on it and is able to cope with it. I will now need to plan new ways of overloading the body Did you make any changes to your program? Explain why you did/did not do so. I did not feel the need to modify my circuit in any way as the exercises were having the predicted effect on the muscle group they were intended to work.

Although I did swap the last 2 exercises around as doing the hardest last made it easier to measure the maximum my heart rate had been as theory says it should be achieved if the hardest exercise is done last, and as I could cope with the increased workload I had obviously developed a higher muscular endurance. /2 Explain the effects performing had on you in any of the 5 sessions. In the third session, I was exhausted, as I had to force myself to keep going. I think I felt this tired because I had done a session the day before as well as training and my body and muscles in particular, had not had enough time to recover fully.

/2 Were the results you achieved what you expected? Explain why this was/was not the case I believe my results were as high or if not higher than expected. If my results weren’t as high as expected it is because I was set back in the 2nd session as I didn’t make progress at all and also because I had a cold in the 3rd session this means my heart was already working round to pump around white blood cells and now it had to work even harder/2 Final evaluation Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks)

Refer to your post test scores When I had completed the five sessions I did the Illinois agility Test again. This time I got a time of 15. 03 seconds This not only demonstrates an improved fitness level, as my score is higher but also shows I had improved as I could repeat the test and consecutively get under my original time of 15. 49 seconds. /2 Was the program easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)? /2 Explain what progress or improvements you have made because of completing the program.

Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end …

Purpose/aim of the programme. Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve …

Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Did you plan the programme at the right level? I felt my training programme did push to me to my ability but I could have been a bit harder …

During my five-week training programme I felt that my sessions have been very successful. I really enjoyed taking part in each session as I varied them, thus meaning they did not get boring or repetitive. I feel within myself as …

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